The countless multitudes on high
That tune their songs in Jesus' Name,
All merit of their own deny
And Jesus' worth alone proclaim.
Firm on the ground of sovereign grace,
They stand before Jehovah's throne.
The only song in that blest place
Is, "Thou are worthy! Thou alone!"
With spotless robes of purest white,
And branches of triumphant palm,
They shout with transports of delight,
Heaven's ceaseless, universal psalm:
To Him who sits upon the throne,
And to the Lamb whose blood was shed;
Thou! Thou art worthy! Thou alone.
This morning as we were singing this opening hymn in the worship meeting, I could not help but think of these three dear people who will be spending their first Christmas in Heaven.
They are Felisol's dad....Miss Patty's dear mother, Eleanor and Pilot-Mom's mother who everyone called Nana.
Missed indeed they are to their families but happy indeed they are in heaven.
My friend, Leona gave me this poem and I am going to add it here in memory of these three dear Christians..
"I am now in Heaven
The gates have opened wide
And now I have the privilege
Of walking by His side.
The angel choir is singing,
And the music is so sweet;
I'll join them just as soon
As I have worshiped at his feet.
I am now in Heaven
And the blood-washed throng is here.
I recognise a lot of them
There's not a single tear.
There's joy beyond description
And reunions by the score;
There'll be no separations
For we'll be here evermore.
I am now in Heaven
Please wipe away your tears!
I've fought the battle, run the race,
I'm rid of all my fears.
There is no pain or sorrow here,
The heartaches now are past;
I've read and sung of Heaven,
And now I'm here at last!
I'm now in Heaven,
And oh, the place is grand!
No one could ever tell me
All the beauties of this land,
Since I cannot describe it,
You'll have to come to see
That it was worth the trials
To live here eternally.