Oh dear!
I have to work tomorrow and was all set to go to bed when three visitors arrived at my house.
Snoopy and Riley, sons of Goldwings were knocking loudly at the door and when I went to let them in, right behind them walked Adi, Jimmie's adopted grandaughter.
As you can see Adi came dressed for the cold Canadian winter.
But alas!
Those two "bestest friends" kitties DID NOT!!
Not to worry though!
In their suitcase I found a warm sunrise that their mama had wrapped in a warm blue blanket and sent along with them.
So I put them right into it where immediately they were warmed and feeling quite at home!
I really don't know how long they will able to stay.
Mr. Bernie and me are being overrun by cats!
We have to entertain them and feed them and do all of their laundry!
And not to mention, there is now a doggie in the midst!
Shopping News has a nose that is ALL of joint!!
Amber is waiting to go back to her mother, Karen and misses her grandpa Jimmie sorely.
Maybe that Adi will escort her back with her two new friends Snoopy and Riley.
Well they have all had their warm milk and a cat treat.
Yes! Adi had to have a cat treat too because we are just not equipped for dogs but she didn't seem to mind!
And so it is off to bed with us all.........Good night Snoopy! Good night Riley!
Good night Adi! Good night Jimmie and Karen! Good night Goldwings!
And if there is a "John" out there too...'Good Night John Boy!!
And GOOD NIGHT ALL.............................................