today on the far side of the sea where felisol and gunnar and her gramma and her uncle kel lives, the norwegian princess is celebrating her birthday but alas, she has grown up and is now a journalist..she might not be home for the celebrations!
well, we still wish her a very happy day!

this picture was taken a little over 23 years ago when the little princess was being spoon fed by her mama felisol but as you can see in this picture, the little lassie wanted to do the job herself!

yes! serina was born to royality and from the very first has been very patriotic to her beloved norway...as you can see!

she had a very happy childhood and she has grown into a lovely young woman.

here is that lovely young lady surrounded by her friends and her family,...her grandpa would be so proud of her..although she had to say good bye to him a few years back as he left for heaven, she still has sad thoughts some days but she is surely loved by ber gramma and her mama and her dad and her uncle kel and by her friends and by her scores of invisible friends... her mother's blog friends!

now this is a long before picture..

and this is how it is today!
she is like her dad!...she has a love of antique cars!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear princess!
when that mr. jim ever comes up to read his anniversary post, maybe he will sing you your song...you know princess, it is SO hard to get good help these days!
dear little lassie...this is what i think of you...
love terry