Go and meet Mary T., the creator of Ruby Tuesday!
Having had to stay home all day, I decided to just create a Ruby Tuesday post taking pictures of my walls!
So many people have told me that we should wall paper but I have always loved the warm wooden panelling.
The pictures have some real life stories to tell.
The beautiful verse plaque was a wedding gift from my brother, Teddy almost 37 years ago. We will always treasure it!
On the top right if you make the picture bigger,is an Ottawa park scene of Bernie's Mom and Dad. As Bernie is an orphan, he never did meet his parents but when he was 33 years old, we found his two bothers and that was a real miracle. One of his brothers, Sandy travelled hundreds of miles to see us, bringing with him treasured family pictures.
One of these days I will have to make a post about that first meeting.
Under the lovely red ,white and blue Union Jack, is our wedding picture and beside it a birthday card to Bernie from his brother. I just stuck it there because of how precious it is.
Those three little kitties in the picture at the bottom are what an old Italian lady that I had met gave me on the spur of the moment one day. How treasured it is by me!
I think that I really must annoy Mom Golden and Betty sometimes!
Both of them have such nicely designed, balanced walls and I am so helter skelter!
The cute picture under the verse is a wooden plaque that Rachel gave me one year for Christmas..
On the far left, I have a little artist painting that was done by an elderly Welland man. I have had that painting for over thirty years.
I will explain the wedding picture of Betty and John later on down this post.
The light switch here has nice red roses on it and I am so thankful that the black finger prints do not show! I really am!
I think that you have already seen these two little doggies.
They were given to Bernie and me from Gramma and Grampa Yade. who delivered them one day for our anniversary.
You must surely know by now how much this Canadian couple[Bernie and I] love our neighbours, the Americans!
When my Uncle Walter worked for the school board, the day came that the children were no longer singing, "God Save Our Queen"..To me this was a sad day indeed.
Many of the pictures of the Queen and Prince were thrown into the garbage and my uncle rescued these ones and gave them to me. This made me very happy. They have been on our wall ever since!
The 911 picture, we have kept on our cd player. Bernie made two of these. The other one is on our front living room window for all the world to see and for all the world to remember those dear Americans who perished that sad day.
In this rather dark corner is a large framed verse from the Bible.
My friend Marilyn gave it to me for my birthday.
Even when the picture is enlarged it is rather hard to read the verse so I will put it here; Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
I like the pretty little bouquets of roses at each corner of the text.
This is a portrait of Betty and John's wedding. They were married five months after Bernie and me.
That kitty picture over their heads is an artist drawing that my good freind, Amelia, http://flutteringthots.blogspot.com/ sent to Bernie and me all the way from Malaysia!
Now THIS one in its mahogany frame is a sketch print that Corry so kindly sent to me from Georgia.
Corry is a friend of amazing grace man and Jel. I met her one day on each of their blogs, and now she is a friend to Bernie and me too.
Oops!...Corry is not from amazing grace country at all. She is from Alabama!
She is an artist and her blog site is; http://experiencingrheumatoidarthritis.blogspot.com/
Now of all my treasures, this is one that brought tears to my eyes when a little Sunday School boy, Seth gave it to me just a few short months ago.
I had givien him just a little American money to spend when his Gramma and Grampa took him to Myrtle beach.
On his return, he gave me a little fancy shopping bag and inside that maysterious pouch was this string of sea shells.
Oh my, I will never forget that little laddie and his so wonderful gift!
We purchased this towel at Walmart just after 911.
It is one of Bernie's favourite "pictures"!
This lovely blue scarf was brought over by Amelia's Malaysian kitty, the one that you met at Betty's and John's wedding picture.
Alas, although I did manage to put that kitty's picutre on my wall, this scarf was taken by Bernie and he has hung it right beside his computer!
The ship on his speaker is one that sailed in one evening when Gramma and Gramp Yade met us at Macdonalds. Grampa Yade made this for Bernie.
Ha!..That rose you see is one I gave to Bernie one Valentines Day along with the fancy watch...Mush...just pure mush...I say!
And that Bernie has placed an empty RC Cola can right in front of it and three dead batteries!..Some nerve!!
Every year Bernie buys a fancy car calendar from Walmart.
By the looks of this one he hasn't even realized that it is already December!
A little Teddy bear with his scarlet heart is swinging on our old antique lamp.
This little guy was given to me from my dear Spanish family and my precious poco abuela[little Grandmother].
Tucked between our friend, David's picture and our 25th anniversary clock that my Uncle Walter and Aunt Doris gave us, is a baseball team that Bernie's bother is captain of.[in Calgary, Alberta].
He is the guy that is wearing the red and black jacket.
There is a sweet story behind the picture of our friend David.
He was just a young man who was dying with a form of cancer,and who knew that his days were numbered.
Bernie and I had him under our wings for a couple of years, taking him to all of his doctor appointments and his many hospital visits to Toronto. He became very dear to us and was almost like the son we never had.
He started to go our every Sunday night to the gospel meetings with us, and a year before he passed away, he met the Lord. Very happy times these were!
Anyway, his biggest dream had always been to jump out of a plane and parachute to the ground.
His family thought he was crazy, his friends thought he was crazy and his two special friends, Bernie and I, even though we didn't think he was crazy would not go and see him do it!
Regardless of anyone, he did realize his dream, he jumped out of that plane and someone took this picture of him.
Really neat, eh?
Berneie and I made several copies of it and gave one to each of his family members and several of his friends..
This picture of our beloved David is on many walls I am sure!
I mean how could anyone stuff a picture like this into just a photo album?
Oh by the way, poor luckless David didn't land on the ground, he landed on a tree!!
The tree branches held him safely as his feet dangled several feet from the ground!
Bernie's Calgary brother gave him this licence plate.
Sandy used to be a travelling salesman and I guess he collected these!
Oh! What I don't have on my walls, eh?
By the time that I finished all of my photo taking, Bernie was home and I was glad because I couldn't get a proper picture of this John 3:16 plaque that the Christians from our church gave to Bernie and me for our 25th anniversary.
There was a cord hanging over it, and I was just too weak to figure out how to get it out of the way, so Bernie's hand came in real handy to hold it away, and he certainy didn't mind at all because this is his most favourite verse!
I hope you liked my Ruby Tuesday wall....Love Terry