this morning bernie wanted to try out his new phone camera. as the warmer weather is approaching, he has realized that his "winter" camera is too big to carry inside his pocket so he has elected to use a phone camera. after all hasn't he seen what a great job felisol does with hers? anyway, in the restaurant today , bernie got a good shot of the fifty's style booths and the blakc and white tiled floors.alas that the heinz ketchup was in a plastic bottle!
we were on our way to mom goldens ,as she was having a little problem with her new lap top. bernie thought he was pretty smart when he took this picture of the red fire alarm just inside the door.
he tried to snap a picture of the red exit sign down the long hallway but other than the nice rosy reflection on the shiny floor, the exit sign was almost a no show.
i just love this picture he took of a cushion that was bought for mom golden many years ago. she certainly is one special mom. gramma and great gramma!
for sure and there were no spring flowers to be had, so bernie's only option of a flower photo was this plastic pink rose. there was a little too much light, so i put a pretty little frame around the picture.
oh we could not resist this shot of some of mom golden's hats. beside the ruby reds, mom golden has hats that are every colour of the rainbow!
well it was finally time for bernie to get down to work, so i decided to shoot a few pictures. this one of mom golden and bernie is so cute. these two have always been close and in fact, mom golden met bernie long before i did!
gracey is trying out the lap top but it is sad to say that because it is defected, bernie and i will have to return it tomorrow to future shop. and poor mom golden had only got the chance to write one email letter and that was to donna..
here sits the queen of the castle, herself, mom golden in front of of wall of her little rascals! of all her kinfolk. does it not look like she is anxiously waiting for the lap top to come wednesday afternoon....i am thinking that!
merry and happy ruby terry
dear grandpaw ron....i guess we will have to call you great grandpappy ron now! congratulations on your newest great grandson gabriel. amrita says that his name means, "bearer of good news" and he already has started that! so many of your "invisible" blogging friends and facebook buddies are so happy for you ! may your family continue in god's love, and may that baby continue to be a blessing to great, great gramma Jackson, you [great grandpappy ron], your daughter, gramma rhonda and your grand daughter, whitni and grandson-in-law, John.
this rainbow promise picture and this little write up was taken from amazing grace man, grandpaw ron's treasure house....
"Ever since my kids have grown up I still remember the fun we had at Easter . My youngest will be 38 April 27 th. I have had the priveledge of teaching my kids about Jesus . Parents and Grand-Parents take the time this Easter if you haven’t taught them yet ? It will be more meaningful at Easter to them ! I always enjoy seeing the little kids with their new outfits on ? "
we will be praying for little gabriel's brave daddy, as he goes to Iraq this may...praying for god's protection........
I grew up in a family of nine children and each week my mother didn't just send us to Sunday School,she came with us.
We heard the gospel week after week from the year 1956 but were not saved until 1967.
The summer of 1967 my mother,my sister, Betty and I were all gloriously saved.
From that year until now several of my brothers and sisters were saved, but my dad still remains on the outside.
It has been our prayer that he will be saved soon and then the family circle will be unbroken and we will all be on our way to heaven where we will meet the Lord and see our brother, David who has gone on before.