tomorrow it is david fisher's birthday and he will be 65!
oops! a little birdie told me this and i was not suppose to tell!
well i had to put this is a little early as the little red car will be taking bernie and i for a ride at four in the morning..
here below is david's testimony. i have had it in here before but it is well worth the repeating!
david says.
50 Years in God's Family
On April 6th, 2002 I celebrated 50 years as a child of God. A half century in God's family. Five decades of knowing Christ as my Savior and Friend. I'd say "Savior and Lord" but He hasn't always been Lord, in my life, sad to say. I can well remember the Sunday morning as a 6-year-old boy when my mother explained God's love to me. We knelt and prayed at the kitchen table and I became a young follower of Jesus. Did I completely understand the decision I'd made? No, but the Holy Spirit did His work and I realized that God had given His Son as a sacrifice for my sin. The pilgrimage hasn't always been easy. The road has had its bumps and detours along the way. But God has been faithful! He has been there each step of the way!
In the midst of life's storms He has been my anchor, my refuge, my lighthouse. A favorite scripture verse has been, "The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms." (Deuteronomy 33:27) As I look back over 50 years, I'm grateful for the godly influence of Christian parents who led the way.
Even as a boy, the Lord used Christian radio programs like Billy Graham's Hour of Decision and the Back to the Bible Broadcast to encourage me on my journey. Christian visionaries from the past like George Muller and J. Hudson Taylor taught me faith principles that would shape my life. Missionaries like Isobel Kuhn and Jim and Elisabeth Elliot impacted my life through their writings. God has blessed me over the years with faithful Christian friends who stood by me during the good times and the bad.
Looking back, I'm a blessed man. God has lavished His love on me through His Son, Jesus Christ, and allowed me to share His love with a hurting, lost world. Thank you, Father, for reaching down and saving me so many years ago. May my life make a difference in the remaining years that You give me. Thank you! Amen!
you can find david fisher at, http://pilgrimscribblings.blogspot.com/ and also at pilgrim pals, http://pilgrimpals.blogspot.com
Bernie and i hope that you have a happy day and a happy birthday david! We love you!....love bernie and terry