I have been tagged by Sioux http://siouxsue.blogspot.com/ to do the 6 Random Things About Me ..meme.
Here are the rulz of the game...1. Link to the person who ‘tagged’ you!2. Post the rules on your blog!3. List 6 random facts about yourself!4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post!5. Let each person know they have been tagged by commenting on their blog!6. Let the tagger know the entry is posted on your blog!
I will try and follow Sioux's line of thought.
I was born in Dunnville Ontario and so were my sister, Betty and my brother, Teddy. The family moved to Welland where Dad had a job at the Union Carbide I think. We lived in a big house with my Aunt Annabelle and Uncle Roy and their two children. One big happy family, where one more baby was added and that was my brother, Gary. Dad Golden lost his job and so did Uncle Roy, so while Mom Golden went to work at the Blue Star Restaurant, Aunt Annabelle looked after the kids. Then Dad Golden got a job for the Canadian Air Force in Trenton, Ontario. He used to have to hitch-hike almost two hundred miles every week to get there. I remember how we used to really miss him. One morning we got up, all four of his children and saw he was home. We all jumped into bed where he and Mom Golden were sleeping. To this day, I can remember the huge crash as the bed broke!!! Well we ended up living in Trenton and left our relatives in that big house. When we moved to Trenton, I was six years old and that is where I first started school in grade one. Dad was a fireman for the Air Force and Mom was finally a stay-at-home Mom for which we children were very happy. Three more children were born in Trenton; Sandra, Gracey and Gail, and then Dad Golden got the news that we were being transferred to Rivers Manitoba. I was 11 and those were the happiest years of my life, when we lived on the prairies. When we were transferred to Uplands, Ottawa Ontario my heart was breaking, and I left it buried in the prairies! I was 17. I finished my grade 13 in Ottawa and then I got a job in a convalescent hospital in Ottawa, The Pearly Hospital. That is where I found out what I really wanted in life and that was to look after the elderly. Betty was in a hospital where she worked in a baby ward but I used to tell her that I would never trade my "babies" for hers ever! When Dad Golden retired and he and the family moved to Welland area, we missed them so much and I spent many a lonely night after work. Then one day my brother Gary who had stayed in Ottawa with Betty and me brought a real nice boy home with him, Bernie. My life took a happy turn. I should of mentioned too, that in 1967 when the family were still all together, I attended special gospel meetings with the family[everybody but Dad Golden] where I found out that even though I was a rebellious sinner, that God had sent the Lord Jesus to die on the cross for me and when I learned that it was all for me, I was saved!....Although I was very happy about this, there was still a loneliness that disappeared when I met Bernie. Even so though, Betty and I missed the family so much that we quit our jobs in Ottawa and moved down to where the folks were....Welland! We left Bernie and Gary. They moved down a year later and then a few months after that Bernie and I were married. Betty was married a few months later. Now Bernie and I were never able to have children but that is OK. Betty and John have five and my other sisters and brothers have plenty! Oh I forgot to tell you that when we moved from my beloved prairies, we brought back to Ontario two more babies....David and Karen. I have lived a happy life because of my Dad being such a good provider and my Mom making sure that we went to Sunday School where we leaned about Jesus..
I am so long winded Sioux Sue, I know.....I am going to try and find some pictures to put on this meme later on.
Thank you for picking me and I am sorry that I never got it done sooner, but the last week I have really been keeping my eye on that amazing grace man Grandpaw Ron and I am happy to say that he is on the mend!
Deborahhttp://manitobagardens.blogspot.com/ wanted me to do a meme a few months back. I hope Deb that you don't mind if this meme is for you too......
Thanks Sioux Sue....give Turtle a hug for me......Love Terry
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Update By Our Friend Grandpaw Ron
Just a short post about my experience ? This past week was quite an experience ! I haven’t ever had sugery but two times in my life , once when I was 5 years old I had a tonsilectomy and in 1998 had surgery in my left arm to clean out the bugs and that is all ?
I appreciate all the prayers and well wishes ! This mornings Doctor’s visit the Doctor said it was healing just fine ! I know that this has been one of the oddest weeks in my life ? First I have to get used to my long time friend [ all my life ] not being there ? When you are right handed your left hand only serves as a back up for your right hand ! Just yesterday 2 times my ignorance caught up with me and I bumped it hard enough to cry or cuss , but just decided to sing Jesus Loves Me . My friends don’t you ever believe for one minute that Our Shepherd don’t guard His Flock ! I have felt his presence many times in my life but never as much as I have this week ? I know He has helped me several days with my pain ? I am so blessed to Have Jesus in my life and so many of my friends and church family that I love very much !
This beautiful picture is compliments of two of my fellow church members that have been close friends for over 45 years ? Every summer they work in a resort in Montana ! Both are retired school employes ?
As you view this picture imagine The Shepherd sitting on top of that mountain and watching over His Flock and watching over one of His wooliest children [ Me ] ? Below is a few good words ?
The one who loves me most — even at my wooliest –is My Shepherd ! It was in such a ” wooly ” time that He helped me see how much He really loves His Sheep . All of my daily adventures and hardships causes me to leap into the Shepherds open arms and trust Him for dear life ! I hope you find the same encouragement I find in Him and you’ll be encouraged by His Faithfulness Too !
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Poor Little Doggie Has A Picnic with Her Friends

There you go Adi..You can eat all of the ice cream and chocolate cake and cupcakes that you want, but I must warn you to take a good look at the fat cat in the middle. You see, if you eat too much, your hot air ballooning days will be over.
Take a look at Little Montreal Girl's kitty.
He ate so much that he looks like a stuffed animal.
Miss Amrita's doggie Sheeba is gobbling up everything in sight!
That Lazy Cat of Little Montreal Girls is just eating himself into a frenzy and turning into another stuffed cat!
The only gentleman here is Saija and Leo's cat, Scooter.
You see, cats from Manitoba are always little, well mannered gentlemen. Actually they are more interested in having cat-naps than eating ice cream and cake.
Adi don't worry... the chocolate cake will be loaded with candles come September when all of your friends and Gramma and Grampa Jim and Katrin and BP and her Mom and Dad and Amber will be celebrating your birthday!!!
This is a picture of one sad looking doggie.
Now Grampa Jim is saying that Adi just adores ice cream and here she sits waiting for a dish of it! Why doesn't her grand daddy give her a bowl of it?
This picture is also two years old! Who knows that this poor little doggie ever gets a bowl of it now and then?
Now Grandpa Jim..You just have to start to treat my niece a little bit better or she will be running away to Canada, eh to stay with Bernie and me and Shopper. We will take her to the Dairy Queen and get her all the ice cream that her little heart desires !!!
Adi has her own blog....http://jimmiehov.blogspot.com/2008/04/adi-about-me-little-meme.html
Monday, August 18, 2008
For the amazing grace man, Grandpaw Ron.

As you know amazing grace man is recuperating at home after a painful operation on his hand and he is unable to do much with the computer other than to read our blogs and so I thought that I would put this lovely song, sung by Doug Oldham on for him to listen to.
Ron is a faithful friend and reader of us all! And he prays for us!
Best wishes dear friend that you and Princess will have a happy week.... Adi is too busy these days, Princess with her new little sister, Katrin. Mr. and Mrs. Jim are forever going out to fancy restaurants to eat and they leave the poor doggie to babysit!
Her pay? They bring her home a small doggie bag!
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