"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."

Jim said...
These were the words spoken to me, personally, by the Lord:
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."
I had heard and read these words from the Bible, again in Revelations (Chapter 3, Verse 20), many times before. They were spoken to the people of the church at Laodicea in Turkey, many years ago.
But one day, at a revival, these words became personal to me. I had wondered for years if I were really saved.
That day, in the pew, the words were whispered to me personally, from Jesus Himself, it was the strangest feeling I have ever had.
[They made have actually been spoken by The Holy Spirit, I don't know, and it doesn't matter.]
I responded right then in a short silent prayer asking Jesus to forgive my sin and that I promised to follow Him and His commands from that day on.
Since then I have no more doubt or worry that I am saved, or question whether I was saved or not before when a teenager.
I did know that just being good wouldn't save me, a person had to ask for forgiveness and commit to the Lord.
But I didn't remember anything from back then except going down the isle when my younger sister did. For sure not asking Jesus to save me.
This nagging was now gone, I knew that I was saved.
Believe it or not, my life changed also, almost like being a different person. People noticed a change. Probably it was in the way I felt towards and treated other people. There were concerns for them not just for me and things I liked to do.
I also became devoted to following the Lord gladly instead of just reading the Bible and going to church.
And God has blessed me.
11:18 AM
Reply from Terry
Oh Jim...What a testimony you have told..on my blog![in the comments].
Bernie and I had a dear friend who was in his 70's and we didn't preach to him a lot but he read our lives. Well, he told us one time.."I think my son has the same thing as you guys." His son had gotten saved.
Dom worked steady afternoons and his son and Dom's wife read the Bible together. They never told him about this just in case he would make a fuss.
Well they were Catholics and one day his wife had told him,." I don't need to go and talk to no priest. I have a direct line to heaven. In her simplicity, she was saved right there and then because that direct line that she discovered was Jesus.
One good thing that I have always noticed about the Catholics people, Jim is that if you read them something from the Bible, they believe it.
After his wife passed away, about a year later, well Dom came to a few gospel meetings with us.
One late night when Bernie and I were with him, he told us that he wanted to be alone. He said. "God and me have serious business."
Before we left, it was that fast..he told us,
"Well, I told God,"The door is open! Come on in!"
At that moment he was saved!
It was so neat the next time he went to gospel meeting with us, they sang the song, "There's a stranger at the door. let Him in"
Dom looked at me and said , I never even knew that was in the Bible, about the door!"
Grampa Yade once asked Dom 'Where are all your sins now Dominic?"
It was so thrilling to us Jim when Dominic answered simply., "Well I guess the Lord threw them all out when He came in!"
Dom is in heaven now and we sure do miss him!
Thank you so much Jim!
Mon Mar 24, 04:34:00 PM CDT