this was the first sign that southern ontario had a golden glimpse that spring was surely at last on the way!....this was the first dandelion that we saw on our lawn...now i love dandelions because the thought of spring is so good to contemplate!

now our garden should have been filled with bright red tulips but alas we only had two...hungry rabbits had sneaked into the garden in the dead of night and had eaten all the half opened buds!....bernie put talcum powder on the few remaining buds and we had a few flowering tulips!

now this is surely a pleasant sight...our next door neighbors had these tall yellow dandelions growing on their lawn....

here is one brave red tulip that had escaped the hungry mouths of the night time bunnies...it has gone to sleep for the evening and looks so much like a rose!

one single dandelion hugging close to the tulip garden...it is apparent that those naughty rabbits did not prefer to eat the greens!

the little red car was getting bored at looking at two single red tulips and couple of dandelions and so he said. "let'e hit the road!"

and so we did...it was just amazing how many dandelions were hanging around the side of the road!.yellow yellow yellow!

we DID spot a nice tree clothed in pretty pink blossoms....albeit there was a thick golden blanket on the ground underneath it!

we drove by rachel's house to see how her lawn was faring and lo!...there was her pretty house just surrounded by dandelions....all over the front lawn and all over the side lawn!

...so pretty, so golden and so springy!

and then we drove by a lovely city garden full of pink tulips....now how in tarnation did these flowers escape the rabbits....hmmm...notice the scattering of the dandelions?

well it was time to return home and what did we see on the way?

another beautiful city garden full of yellow and red tulips!. wonder of wonders.few dandelions and not a rabbit in sight!

well that little red car was so jealous of the city yellow and red garden with all the tulips, he refused to be consoled and he drove the rest of the way home with his blinders on!...and here i thought that the little red car loved the dandelions just like bernie and i do and that he would rather spend time tip toeing through the tulips!....oh well better luck next year little red car....bernie and i will talcum every one of the tulips to keep those furry bunnies away!!!......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................happy ruby tueday everybody and god bless you!....next week the purple lilacs will be blooming and no way will those rabbits spoil THEM!....alas though maybe the squirrels?