I had been planning today to put a different posting in and I had big plans also to read a few of my new friends blog sites that I have met in "Blog Land"..
No such fortune though.
The Welland Fair is going on for the next few days and the Christians and two visiting preachers have set up a gospel booth.
Well it just happened to be my turn to bring in the lunch for the men.
Now this was fine and dandy. I didn't mind at all!!
After I entered the fair gates, I was talking to a few people before I delivered the dinner, and incidently taking a few pictures, but as I said my farewells to these new friends and proceeded on my way, I had only gotten a few steps and all of a sudden I tripped head over heels, arms and legs flying and as my head hit the ground I literally bit the dust!!
How embarassing!! Food flying,camera flying and ME flying and landing all over the place!
To make a long story short, one of the new friends I had met kindly picked up the box of food which had miraculously STAYED together, and a young fellow picked ME and my camera up.
Another young man took me and the box of food over to the Gospel Hall site where much to my dismay I met Grampa Yade.
I told him I was perfectly alright but he insisted on my seeing the paramedics, and Grampa Yade's word is LAW!
Ha! After the young people had patched up my leg and even though I was in hurt,pain and agony and terribly embarassed, I asked if I could take their picture.
Well didn't that Grampa Yade grab my camera,and take a group picture with the patient standing right in the middle of some of the nicest young people she had ever met!
That is them in this picture; The fat lady in the middle is me!!!
The two men in the second picture are Grampa Yade and the visiting preacher..
Well it is off to bed for me now. I have to go and lick my wounds and be ready for a ten hour shift tomorrow at the palace!