i know that it is ruby tuesday but i thought that i would put this in for the occasion..now next ruby tuesday will be the 26th and july 26 is mom and dad golden's anniversary and we have already started to celebrate.
every evening when we go to dad and mom goldens, after supper dad golden wants me to put the computer on and to search for norway and mrs. mac to see what they are doing and then we have to put on google news, and then we start to google search on different singers that they knew in the "olden days"...ha!...when we looked for the song on you tube, "it is no secret what god can do"...the reason we wanted to hear it is because we told dad golden that stu hamblin had written that song at the request of one of his friends...after stu had gotten saved at a billy graham crusade, there was a change in his life and when his friend noticed and when stu told him about his new and changed life, well that friend told him, "you should write a song about that stu"...and so he did!...THAT friend was john wayne!
anyways, in our search for that song, we ran into this treasure, "my home", a song that stu wrote for his wife and to tell you the truth, bernie and i were both in tears as we listened...the words in this song are so like mom and dad golden...so, so the same!
so a week ahead of time i want to wish them a happy 64th anniversary...i think i will be doing a few more posts for the occasion and then next tuesday on the very day, i will make a ruby tuesday special post!
god bless you all this ruby tuesday...love terry
ps dad golden has a blushing face that shows all shades of red, so this post will surely do for a ruby tuesday!..hahahaha