This Saturday, after a busy day of cleaning and unpacking at Mom Golden's', it seemed like a good idea to take the lady of the house out for a meal.
Here she is, the lady, herself relaxing at the restaurant and talking to her daughter Gracey.
Now Gracey is her favourite daughter but so are all of her girls!
We are ALL her favourite although I do have my suspicions that Betty is really the favourite because she was always such a good girl!
Mom Golden's other five girls were really quite naughty by times!!!
Amy, Betty's daughter had given the cell phone to Gramma a week earlier and it is something that Mom had been wanting for a long time.
She really enjoys keeping tabs on everyone now and therefore we cannot get away with ANYTHING!
Not that we ever DID get away with anything because Mom Golden always had eyes in the back of her head!
It was NOT a pretty sight!
I am surely glad that she never had a cell phone when we were growing up!

Here is the Canadian blogger taking a rest.
The day just happened to be Betty and John's anniversary, so we had reason to celebrate.
Betty and John have been married now for 35 years.
They are catching up to Bennie and me.

Bernie is taking life easy too as this is a weekend off for him.

This is a picture of Betty and John and we are surely hoping that they had a good anniversary.

Bernie and I bought them a nice clock for their anniversary and it is really quite nice.
For each hour there is a small round picture frame where they can put the pictures of their grandchildren in.
Even though they have five children who are past the age of 24, none of the children are married and therefore there are no grandchildren.
Their oldest girl, Rachel is the proud mother of three dogs, so Bernie and I lovingly call them the Belzner grandchildren!!