although it was warm today, i could feel the chill and so here i am wearing my faithful red jacket which blends in perfectly with the little red car.
the three of us...bernie. the little red car and i are heading to harvey's on this beautiful sunny ruby tuesday afternoon.

the little red car has become dreadfully spoiled these days, insisting that it be parked in the prettiest place where is is bordered with the garden of red wood chips and also close enough to keep a good eye on us!
it wants to show off the four new shoes that we had to purchase for it, as it will be driving us out to my beloved manitoba in four weeks

this inside picture with the topsy turvey red chairs, looks out on to the little red car and you can see the golden arches in the distance.
if you look carefully you can see the inside- out harvey's emblems pasted on the windows.

this ruby tuesday friend whose name is bobby brings bernie two or three cases of bee pollen twice a year, which bernie says has made a real big difference in his health!
he has been taking it for several years now.
grampa yade always buys a case too.

john, here is a very special friend to us and we were really glad to meet him today at an area plaza.
we had a little chat with him as he was waiting for his wife, shirley who was doing a little shopping.
the little red car thought that it would be a good idea to take john's picture with it and bernie in the background.
i told john that i would feature him on the ruby tuesday post.
he, unfortunately doesn't have a computer but i gave him the blog address to give to his son.

now it would not seem right if we left his wife, shirley out of the picture and because we had to leave before we saw her, i looked her up in my computer where we have several pictures of her and her husband.
john is a teacher and shirley is an artist.
john has been retired for several years now and he and his wife are always together.
you never see one without the other.
i have put them here on the bridge that is in downtown welland.
they are truly welland sweethearts!
do you notice shirley's gorgeous auburn hair?

now here is one of my best ruby tuesday friends, mom golden.
she is still trying to learn the lap top.
unfortunately she has come down with shingles and is in some pain.
she wanted me to find her some information about this painful condition and she seems very interested indeed!

my dad has always been my friend.
he phones every day, seven days a week, at exactly seven am and i am always glad to talk to him even if it is only for two minutes.
his sons and daughters all phoned him to wish him a happy fathers day.we eight children feel very blessed that he is still in our lives!

now THIS is a suitcase that i swiped from felisol's ruby tuesday post. she and her beloved husband, gunnar and their lovely daughter who is a princess have traveled to many places together but i am asking her, "what about coming to canada, eh?...isn't it about time?"

if you ever decide to come felisol, lake ontario will give you one fantastic red sun set to take home with you!
and should you decide to visit my beloved manitoba, man! would you ever see some wonderful sunrises AND sunsets THERE!
happy ruby tuesday everybody and blessings to you all and to our beloved teach, mary t