a couple of weeks ago, bernie had to put the clocks in dad and mom goldens place ahead one hour...there are about 15 clocks or more so it was quite a chore.....and it was quite a chore to get out of bed an hour earlier the next day!

bernie had to change a few more clocks in dad golden's tv room....the light red cap is a prize procession of dad goldens, given to him by a local golden has filled the walls with pictures!

one of dad goldens' doves was watching the goings on from the branch of a see, the doves were still up because it was only 5:30 in the evening that bernie was changing the golden is one for having things done early!

this little sweetie in great gramma's arms is grace's seems that every time her mommy, marie and her daddy eric, bring her along to see great gramma and grampa golden's place, she ALWAYS dresses her in some shade of red!..what is a great aunt to do, put her into a ruby tuesday post?

grampa golden gets a fair share of holding little olivia too!

mom golden takes a little time to play with her new sewing machine..she is having lots of fun with it...why she is ONLY a young 81, eh?...why not?...and did she wear that pink shift on purpose?...i think so!

amanda brings over her little black doggie with his pink ribbon leach to see gramma and grampa golden...she is sitting beside her mom, grace.

gracie is looking at the canadian blogger!..ha!

the end of a long day and here lies the two grammas...almost ready to fall asleep! happy ruby tuesday everyone and god bless you terry