For some reason my client wanted me to take some pictures of the sunset this Tuesday.
"It is a while since you took any", she explained.
"Of course I will! I don't mind at all!"
And I am GLAD I did!
Before turning my camera's eye to the lake which was already on fire with the dazzling rays of the sun, I looked up the shady lane and noticed a few splashes of sunlight on the wood pile and on a few small trees.
The grass by the lake seemed to be on fire too with all the sun's brightness, so as I took one picture, I thought to myself that THIS scene deserved ANOTHER shot from a different angle.
I could not help but notice the huge trees on the lawn getting a large piece of the action, so the camera snapped again!
The shore was not as golden as usual but I thought maybe I better take a picture of that also, and as I did, I noticed one lone boat on the lake taking in the last of the sun's glory and that rascal of a sun was hiding in a tree and trying to peek in on the young couple who were enjoying their selves in the cool of the evening.
A lonely duck was taking a cool bath before he would be climbing into bed for the night, for after all it HAD been a very hot day!
Well, as the sun was finally telling us all Goodnight; the lane, the trees, the boaters, the duck and I, he quietly whispered into my ear, "Don't forget to visit the full moon tomorrow! I hear that it is going to be one spectacular sight!"
"Alas", I thought to myself, "Tomorrow is my day off! I won't be here!"
"Well Goodnight Mr. Sun", I said out loud. "We will have to leave that ONE SPECTACULAR sight for Betty to take care of!"
And I know she can be trusted to do just that!