i have finally got a little time to make a ruby tuesday post...i have really tried but with mom golden being so ill and the little red car AND the big blue sunday school van both needing repair, bernie and i have been very busy!...back and forth to the hospital for blood tests and x-rays and back and forth to canadian tire for car parts, there has been very little time for blogging!
here the little red car was driving us on the flat highways in my beloved manitoba
behind us in the back window lie the flags that we love so much...the canadian flag, red and white and the american flag, red, white and BLUE!
NOW, you will see why i love manitoba so!
here is a flat wheat field with a border of clear water and a fringe of green grass around it....such a serene sight under the blue sky and fluffy white clouds!
oh is that a red barn in the distant?
almost at any distance, you can see a lot.
the flat land allows you this, ONE reason why the the golden kids would never even think to run away from home! dad golden could just go upstairs and look out of a window and know EXACTLY where we were heading!
for sure and i could, from my bedroom window see the high school which was THREE miles away!
oh! the beauty of these pure white silos , reflecting on the still sky blue water really took my eyes!
here in the green field lie bales of wheat, waiting to be gathered..
the little red vehicle will have to make more than one trip, i am thinking!
and i am thinking that a much larger building than this little red shed will be needed to store the golden wheat!
now this is one pretty sight..a dark blue stream flowing right in the middle of a field!
another manitoba homestead in the lone prairies!
and another.
in the winnipeg area, there are several pine trees and on the side of the road here, i spotted god's word on a sign for all to see!
"he that believeth on the son hath everlasting life."
MacDonald's is a busy place on the prairies.
several years ago when bernie and i used to go west by motorcycle, they were few in number.
one funny thing we noticed is that when we were travelling way back when, you would read a sign that said, "150 miles to the next gas station"
and NOW, what we saw this year was a sign that said, "200 kilometers to the next MacDonald's"
my, the times, they have been changing!
bernie is setting up for another night of camp.
and it is not too long after that he is watching one of his favourite tv shows!
he can get judge judy from you tube if we have the internet available.
as for me, i have been waiting to write to my felisol and THAT is exactly what i did!
i had to tell her that bernie and i and the little red car had met this very special couple,. of course we knew them from the blog world but how nice it was to meet saija and leo and their little black kitty face to face!
saija is such a tiny little one and here i look like a giant standing beside her.
the little red car wanted a piece of the action and so bernie and saija and leo too
obliged the spoiled brat!
and THEN...saija and leo's little black cat gave us the honour of its presence at the
coffee and cookie party that saija and leo had treated us to.
leo made the coffee and it was delicious!
and one of our scarf sisters, i am not sure if it was miss patty or trish, made the jam that was on the cookies...it had been sent to manitoba and bernie and i enjoyed it and it was a perfect thing for a ruby tuesday!
we stopped at an a and w along the way. it is a very popular restaurant in my beloved manitoba.
this girl who is pictured on the wall is jewel macavanny....many years ago when the goldens lived on the rivers air force base, jewel and her family lived there too. her dad was the reverend there for the protestant church.
i will never forget the day that while we high school were waiting for the bus, we spotted a pretty little lassie entering the corner store. she was as pretty as a picture!
one of the boys said, "THAT girl is going to win a beauty contest one of these days! you mark my words!"
several years later that little girl DID win a contest. she was crowned the very first "miss teen canada" in 1969.
oh boy though, that was some outfit that she is wearing here, eh?
i guess it was the 70's style though.
some nice guy asked us if we would like a picture taken and we sure did!
we had to, because of the weather, rent a motel for the night.
and the little red car was so put out and had a nose way out of joint and wanted to come in but "no way" we said, as we slammed the door!
but didn't that character show us?
there we were stuck in a hot room and there she was all covered with a rainbow!
these three, the canadian flag, the american flag and the traveling sisterhood scarf became true friends as they were driven by the little red car all the way to my beloved manitoba[plus a side trip to calgary to see bernie's brother] and all the way back to ontario.
they, of course are already looking forward to another trip next year!
happy ruby tuesday everybody.... especially to our beloved teach mary!.....love terry