Saturday, October 23, 2010
When He Was On The Cross
i have put this hymn in here a couple of other times but i love it so!
just to think that the lord jesus did all this suffering for me and shed his precious blood to wash away all my sins,,,past, present and future!
i love the way this hymn ends with the empty cross.
it is empty now because the lord is risen and is in heaven sitting on the right hand of god!
have a blessed lords day as you remember terry
Monday, October 18, 2010
Words Of Wisdom From Mr. Old Geezer

mary the teach
i asked my friend ron, mr. old geezer for permission to use his post, "law and grace" for my ruby tuesday post.and here it is!
what can be nicer than a tender red heart that is so full of love?

Law and Grace
There are about 7 billion people on the face of this earth. If you extracted from each one the very best character traits, then put those traits into one man, that one man would still have to bow before God and cry out for mercy to be saved. We’ve got to quit trying to be saved by doing good things or being a moral person...or by even keeping the Ten Commandments.
The Law says “if,” the Gospel says “therefore.” The law says you must earn salvation, while the Gospel says salvation is a gift. The Law demands holiness. The Gospel provides holiness. The Law says run, but it doesn’t give us legs. The Gospel says fly, and it gives us wings of grace. ~Adrian Rogers
Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. - John 14:6
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16
Are you one of God's "whosoever's"? Do you want to have everlasting life?
Believe in God's only begotten Son and God says you will have everlasting life.
And be assured... if God said it, He will do it! God cannot lie like you and me.
He will always keep His promises.
Do you agree? Can you say Amen!
God Bless You and Have a Wonderful SONDAY!
Ron and Rosie
have a wonderful ruby tuesday too and thank you so much my friends mr. and mrs. old geezer! terry
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Thank You Felisol
to my best friend, felisol i would like to dedicate this hymn,
for almost a week now at 1:00 am her time in norway and 7:00 pm at my time in ontario canada, she has used a half hour to pray for dad golden. she is expecting a miracle that he will accept the lord jesus as his saviour.
felisol, i really do believe in prayer and in miracles!
thank you for your encouragement to me.
sorry that i don't know how to make all of the letters show. i will have to go and see my dear friend kathy at happy home and get her to teach me how again.
have a blessed lords day terry
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