We are having special Gospel meetings here and there have been several people that have been coming out from the town, looking for something in their lives that will give them peace and joy. It is sad life that some of them are living. Every night they hear of God's remedy for their sin and are told how they can be sure to be in heaven when they die. This beautiful verse here is the gospel in a nut shell. My sister Betty, and friends Leona, and Darla have made thousands of them and if only one person finds salvation through one of these cards, because of the girls hard work and efforts it will be worth everything.For the worth of a soul is priceless. That is why Jesus came to die for us.He gave His life for us and all we have to do is accept his free gift.
For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36
Now I will have to put this little card back where I found it! Bernie had it hanging near his computer! And you know how he LOVES his cats!!