Yesterday Welland was a sort of winter wonderland.
Noel Lewis, one of my good blog friends wanted me to ship him some snow down to Texas, but unfortunately before I read his request, rain had moved in and taken all of the white stuff away, replacing it with clear silver ice!

Welland and most of Southern Ontario is now an ICY wonderland!

The little red car hasn't seen an ice storm for two years and he wonders what has happened overnight!

The little birds are not pleased at all with their bird feeder ice rink even though it is decorated with a fancy frozen lace around the edge..
At least I don't THINK they are happy.
I never spotted a one of them taking an after dinner skate!

The hanging tree branches are laden with a heavy layer of the frozen rain drops.

This white birch branch is living up to its Canadian Song name..."Land of the Silver Birch", but it really looks like it will be shortly laying on the sidewalk beside its' fallen companion.

Even though it is freezing, the picture of this tree leaning toward our house seeking for a little warmth is almost pretty.

Frozen tree!
Frozen lawn!!
Frozen bird feeder!!!
Frozen bird bath!!!!
What is a person to do?
Well... I will just have to order a large bucket of sunshine from my friend, Jel and use it to melt all of this...If only I could FIND her!

The tree next door to us is, if you can believe it a lilac tree!
I am afraid that with the warm weather we have been getting that harm will come to the tender buds that have already appeared on it's bush and we will not have the sweet fragrance of the purple flowers this year.

By the end of the day as we traveled down Niagara Street, I snapped this picture.
It seems that this little Southern Ontario town will be locked into ice and will be like one giant refrigerator for at least another day.
.... And then I suppose, the snow will come!