Friday, October 30, 2009
The Peifers Sing A Song Of Dottie's
this is one of my favourite songs that dottie rambo wrote.
the words are so true. the lord looks right into our hearts and wants to save everyone of us.
our faults and our sins, the debt we owed were all paid for when he died on the cross.
i have been thinking of this song tonight and so i thought i would post terry
Matthew 11:28Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
John 6:37All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Mr. Jim Is The Ruby Tuesday Birthday Boy!
go and see mary the teach at ruby tuesday!
mr. jim..

last year he left adi and the family high and dry, were away for the big day and had the nerve to eat cake and ice-ream while adi, katrin and amber had to chew on dry crusts of bread!
maybe this year, mr. jim will have a heart and at least give them a piece of cake!
this is mr. jim's beautiful family and i am sure that they will be wishing their husband, their brother and their dad and their grampa a very happy day...a day before halloween he will be celebrating his 108th birthday!
his little grandchild wants a piece of the action....she is giving her grampa one funny look!
the little red car wanted to get a piece of the action too and just wanted to show mr. jim how much he was every bit as good as the red ford mr. jim was admiring a few weeks back on teach's ruby tuesday...the nerve of that guy and yet the little red car, the boss and bernie would like to wish him a great day!
mr. jim...i was without my camera today and it would have been a shame, but bernie had his little phone camera and so he took you some nice autumn pictures for your birthday...ever since bernie saw what great pictures that felisol took with her phone camera, he has used fact that is why he bought one! here he found you a little bit of ruby red leaves.
the reflection of this lovely gold on the welland canal is just choice!
i think in this picture there is the faintest glimmer of a squirrel but i think you might have to click the picture and make it larger.oh! there is a piece of the little red car, looking down the line of trees along the canal.
bernie wanted you to have a picture of a duck mr. jim...very, very peaceful and still the water and the duck were!
now mr. and mrs. jim if you ever come to welland and drive down main street, this is what you will see....our welland bridge!
although the bridge does not raise anymore, as the canal has been rerouted to the other side of town, the citizens love the history that it has. some are really trying to have a restaurant built on it and if that be the case, i just know that you and mrs. jim would love to travel to welland to try out that restaurant....i just know you would!.......well my friend have a very happy birthday and a happy ruby tuesday to you and when you go away, please don't forget where you live and come back home! terry, bernie and the fat cat......god bless you and your whole family.