Mother gone wild with a camera in her hands!!

Rachel, Betty's daughter was our hostess and a willing model for her Gramma.

Jordan, Grace's grandson and Mom's great grandson playing with family friend Leona H.

Gary's son, Jacob another grandchild is snapped!

Grace's children Lena and Justin with their, if I must say myself, favorite aunt!!Although I have heard them say on occasion that BETTY is their favorite!

Betty's husband, John talking to Mom's baby, Karen.

Does this little lady look proud or does SHE look proud?
This Friday, we had a special Easter gathering at Rachel's.
Now Rachel is mom's oldest grandchild.
Gramma was ready with her new camera in hand to take some pictures.
As I told you in a previous posting, when we were over at Mom and Dad's house on March 11 and she was obliged to take an anniversary picture of Bernie and me, she point blankly told us that she WANTED a camera.
Well what could we do but get it for her?
After all I had stolen her old brownie camera 46 years ago and I guess I owed her one!
As it appears she is pretty good at getting just the right shot and when all is said and done, I guess we are pretty proud of her.
In the bottom, picture she is looking over the finished product.
I had printed out her best pictures!
All in all she seems mighty pleased with herself!!