I thought that I would put in a fast posting tonight.
I just got home from working a four hour shift and find that I am doing a split shift.
I have to go back in six hours and am not too sleepy.
Therefore, finally I have a chance to do a little blogging!
This is the profile of four cats.
Two are good.
Two are BAD!
In the top picture you can see a kitty surrounded by music notes but this cat is not thinking about making sweet music.
No...NOT at all.
He has in his mind, the birds that are eating below him.
Tiny birds that live on the palace grounds, and who are eating the packed lunches that Bernie prepares for them and sends with me every shift.
Lots of good seeds and tiny peanuts!
I zoomed in with my camera and caught this rascal just WAITING for a chance of a quick lunch.
Thankfully the flash of the camera scared him away!
BUT not before I obtained this mug shot of him!
For sure and he thought he was hidden out of sight!
Now this next cat lives behind us and is always looking for the traveling birds that descend on to the bird seed house or on to the thick carpet of seeds that have fallen to the ground.
Busy birds that are flying south for the winter.
Innocent birds that are just minding their own business.
Hungry birds just stopping by for a quick bite.
This cat was also almost caught in the act of murder.
Well no such luck Mr. Cat!
Although I DO love cats, I will never let them get away with killing my sparrows or doves!
The next little darling?
Well he is one good cat.
He won't even kill a mouse!
His mother Lauren-mary put this picture on her blog.
His name is Jack.
She has a few more pictures and it was difficult picking just one.
You can catch a glimpse of these pictures on her lovely blog site, "Lauren's Life" by clicking on to her name from one of the comments she has sent to me.
Last but certainly NOT least is a mild mannered cat who's main interest is in sleeping.
Apparently HIS mother Sandy or better known to her many friends as Flip Flop loves to sleep too!!
You can go to her site and catch her in the act of snoozing!! Her favorite past time!
She sent me this cute picture of her cat, Simon.
Somewhere on her site you can also find a spoiled cat, name of Miss Lucy!
You can find Sandy at flipflopfloozie.blogspot.com
Now I have tried to give you a few of my favorite blog sites on a posting because I am still struggling and trying to learn how to put favorite blogs on as link.
Noel Lewis is trying his hardest to teach me through email.
Now Noel Lewis has TWO good blog sites and they are BOTH worth visiting!
Just click on to his name in the comment section.
As I said, he is trying to teach me, but it is hard to teach an old dog a new trick!
I had better not mention DOG too loud.
After all this story has been about four CATS
Two good cats.
Two BAD cats.