I would like to thank you and all your blogging friends for standing by me for the past month. It met so much to me and I know that your prayers made a difference in my recovery.
Love Betty
Much to my surprise when I went back to the car and the waiting Bernie, I was struck with the sight of that little red car of ours, so I told Bernie to pose and then I had another Ruby Tuesday photo.....that little red car parked beside the red store sign.
Now I had promised Mr. Jim that I would be featuring his girls on my Ruby Tuesday post.
First of all I must tell you that Adi's Grampa Jim smartened up! I feel that I must forgive him for slighting Adi the way he did.
Katrin and Adi are getting along just fine now and I have posted this picture for them of a love cushion that Grampa Yade gave to Bernie and me for our 35th anniversary
This is a picture of Mr. Jim's two girls.
Now when Katirn was adopted just a few short months ago by Mr.and Mrs. Jim, she was a much smaller doggie but as you can see here, she is much fatter than Adi now! If you ever visit Mr. Jim's blog you must surely see all of the eating that goes on there and while poor starving Adi keeps guard on the whole affair, that Katrin is stuffing her face sitting as near to Mr.Jim as she can and as near as she can to the food!!
Alas for poor Adi. She must be satisfied with the crumbs that remain! She is fading away to nothing!
Here is a little song for Adi and Katrin and for their three friends, Amrita's Sheeba, Mrs. Mac's Dawg and Grandpaw Ron's Princess...