Saturday, September 05, 2009
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
God Bless You Grandpaw Ron

i was all set to put a post in about the manitoba flowers when out of the dark came this message from my grandpaw ron,
grandpaw ron writes;
"Last Friday [ the 28th of august] the Judge granted me custody of the girls until they are 18 years old ! They doing ok ! Me two ? Just wanted to say Hi ! Blessings to you ."
such good, good news for both grandpaw ron and his two precious grand girls.
i could not keep this news to myself because there are so many friends who have taken to grandpaw ron.
this is a day of celebration for sure!
i found this in google grandpaw ron.
"One does not have to do anything to become a grandfather. It simply happens when your child has a child. It is up to you to decide how involved you will be in your grandchild's life. There is an inherent biological relationship but the emotional bonding between grandfather and grandchild comes only with effort. It happens when the grandchild sees that you are open to forming a relationship. It happens when you get off your easy chair and make the effort to see what matters to your grandchild."
Psalm 118:24
This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
love bernie and terry and the fat cat!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Drive West Little Red Car!!!!

go and see mary the teach.
you will be glad you did!
i have just seen these pictures that bernie had taken on the sly with his tiny phone camera and i am really amazed how they capture the thrill that i felt as we were heading to my beloved manitoba. the little red car was sworn to secrecy and was not to mention this to me. of course bernie later told me that the little red car had told HIM that it was to be the first picture in the "film"!
i have no idea what picture comes in which order, so i am just going to put them in ever which way.
all that i knew is that we had told that little red car, "go west young man!"
and west we surely went!
in ontario, before we hit the beautiful prairies, we ran into lots of rain..
but this did not deter us. we were willing to cross any bridge that would lead to my beloved manitoba...
although in manitoba the speed limit is 110 k per hour, bernie stayed at 100 because he said that it was a lot easier on the gas.
plus the little red car is ten years old and going much faster is hard on its ticker.
bernie took this picture of a church that is found in town called longlac.
the cool waters by the side of the highway made the little red car very thirsty. i don't really know WHERE bernie took this picture but it was in his phone camera, so i thought i would stick it in here.
on we drove...
mile after
after mile!
the clouds were so beautiful and the skies were so blue.
but the little red car was getting tired and thirsty! and so we finally stopped at a rest place so that the little red car could catch its second wind.
then we pressed on. bernie, with his camera in hand, [while he was driving!] snapped some really pretty pictures....
of the fluffy clouds..
the traffic.. and the green trees living on the side of the road.
we were almost into manitoba but it was time to stop for the night in thunder bay...
oh and that little red car was so thankful!"feed me" it cried,..."too bad little red car..you will have to wait for morning! after all your passengers are hungry and thirsty too and besides, after all, have you ever seen a campsite that has a gas station?"...
i am adding here, a little song that my friend, Magical Mystical Teacher http://magicalmysticalteacher.wordpress.com/ wrote for the little red car.
A little red car’s
the perfect conveyance
to take us past the fence!
thank you for this MM!