teddy, my brother from iowa and his wife, lois and daughters, ginny and ashley came for a visit this week and for a v

ery good reason!
THIS is the reason...teddy and lois are new grandparents and ginny and ashley are new aunties and jeffory is a new uncle!
on sunday night, teddy took his place at the pulpit and preached the gospel.
the sly photographer who was sitting at the back snapped this picture of lois, jeffory and jeffory's girl friend, ivey.

after the gospel meeting, several of the golden clan gathered at rachel's house for a get together..rachel is betty's daughter, mom and dad's oldest grandchild and she is the heart of our is lois, as she trys to reach high enough to hug gary's two tall sons, jacob and james!

betty and gracey...betty looks quite dashing in her ruby coloured blouse,!

this is uncle teddy and betty and john's boy, ryan.
nice red shirt uncle teddy!

teddy giving thanks to the lord for all of the blessings he has given to us and for the delicious food!

yummy...fried chicken made by rachel....sitting in a bright red bowl!

oh! oh!..the food truly DOES look mouth watering but this table of food was served wednesday night not sunday after meeting night!

ginny is standing beside the golden family's latest treasure, mark who is amy, betty's daughter's boy friend..he is visiting amy from the united states..he has a nice montreal canadian shirt on and it is just choice for a ruby tuesday post.
our rachel is beside him and beside rachel, is gracey's son, eric.

the second youngest great grandbaby, eric and marie's babe sure looks hungry..ashley, teddy and lois's youngest child is getting chewed on!

uncle teddy loves this baby that is in her mommys arms...this is the first time that they have met each other....and this baby just loves to have her photo taken!

mom and dad golden's oldest daughter, betty and their oldest son, teddy are getting caught up on the latest news.

shame on mom and dad golden's second child for not wearing red but i really do think that teddy has made up for this by wearing a red baseball cap...for sure and he is wearing it my opinion is the only way to wear a baseball cap!

i don't know what is in that red book that is laying on the coffee table but it makes a good touch don't you think?

this is a picture i took at mom and dad goldens two days ago. mom golden is showing deb the baby book of the newest is this book that i took the picture of braden patrick and then just fixed it up a bit with "picture it!"
to be continued...

to be continued...