bernie thought it a very good idea that we should scan mom golden's many photo albums and so i have put a few photos in here...mom golden has over one hundred albums and there is not a special time in each book! old and new pictures all mixed together in one happy jumble!
we found this baby picture of edna kathleen wells...mom golden used to be a BABY??
mom golden takes some time out of her busy life to sit in front of her wall of fame and talks to gracey.
grace used to give mom golden organ lessons and as soon as mom was able to play a few hymns, well then she quit!
because she really did need more time to love her many grandchildren.
at the time of this picture, she and dad golden had almost 20 grand kids...
alas..this pair never did give mom golden any grandchildren...
but betty and john gave her five!
mom always did have the time for her nine children and her advice was always right on target!
bernie found this picture of mom golden and her sister aunt marion in the same book as these others...
and THIS one where i caught mom golden with three of her daughters doing what she loves best..shopping second hand...i am so sure that my bestest friend felisol would surely get along just fine with mom golden!
for sure and the pair of them would be doing what they BOTH loved best!
mom golden and sixth child, gail having a serious conversation.
of all of mom golden's six girls, gail looks the most like her.
mom and dad golden's hearts were nearly broken when the lord took their eighth child, david brian to heaven one day.
ha! a mothers work is never done...here mom is tying up fourth child's, gary's shoe laces!
teddy and gary were always partners in crime!!
mom golden with her beautiful baby karen, and karen's handsome american boy friend, tim.
gramma golden with her cute grandson, darrell. beside lake erie.
mom golden and her six girls, betty, terry, sandra, gracey, gail and karen.
mom really looks she is one of our sisters instead of our mom! ...all of these kids plus the three boys mom golden took to sunday school EVERY week!
now i HAD to put in this picture of dad golden with my nephew, darrell because one time i made a post and there was not one picture of felisol's prayer child, my dad in it and so was i told!!
now when bernie finished scanning this book, i emailed many pictures to betty's face book where betty was making a face book family album and then we let mom golden view them on her lap top.
here she looks at a picture of her mom, my gramma wells..
and in this last picture you can see the tiniest smile on mom golden's face as she looks at a photo of her beloved dad....
i know that i have very little red in this ruby tuesday post but one thing that is surely red is the photo album that bernie has scanned the pictures from!