dear mary t....here's hoping that you will be feeling better soon and that you will be wearing these ruby red high heels and doing a little jig for us, eh.
my mind was empty until today as to what i would do for ruby tuesday...in fact i really thought that i had come up empty, until bernie said he had to get something at the dollar store.
i went along for the ride and here is my poor excuse of a ruby tuesday post.
bernie met a friend on his way and here are the two of them, bernie and bob, standing, visiting beside a nice red canadian post box.
here is a closer picture of that mail box.
now this lady who was wearing a warm wine coat gave me the opportunity to snap her picture as she was about to enter the bargain bin.
ha..little did she know that she was on candid camera, eh.
and who even knows if she was smiling.
nobody seems to be doing too much smiling these days in this nasty cold weather.
it really amazes me how many stores have red signs,
i guess it attracts people...this ruby red color.
come on in and spend all your money.
the camera searched the parking lot and its eye spotted this red pick up truck that was parked in the distance.
and a red van waiting in line for a donut and coffee at tim horton's.
when bernie returned, i made him sit still for a moment while i took this mug shot of him.
oh the little red car spotted a new model chev, so i took its picture, seeing as it was the right color, and seeing as it was parked there on the right day.
the bank of nova scotia waves goodbye to us as we leave the plaza.
i spotted this fire hydrant and thought it would add a little more red to the post.
bernie said this hydrant was much closer and would make a better photo.
i can just imagine what people were thinking.
they must of thought we were some kind of spies.
either that or they thought we were off our rockers.
my.. what the teache's ruby tuesdayers won't go through to gather red pictures for their beloved teach, who brings so much cheer into their lives.
oh bernie, i said...what an ideal picture,
a red vehicle stopped for a red light.
for sure and this was just perfect.
while the camera snapped the picture, the light turned green..go figure,eh..
on our return home i could not resist taking one more picture of that upside down stop sign...still not fixed.
i was so happy to get to this door.
i was so tired but feeling good that the ruby red tuesday was a mission accomplished thanks to the help of bernie and the little red car and of course the camera.
our front door shows you american bloggers how much bernie and i love the americans.
that eagle holding the stripes and stars tells the whole story.
happy ruby tuesday everyone and may the lord bless you all....love terry