last sunday after gospel meeting my niece, rachel had all the family that she could gather, over to her house for her dad's birthday.
i had volunteered to make scalloped potatoes and a huge pan of meatballs, while rachel made a large shepherds pie.
hmmm...those meatballs make for a nice ruby tuesday, eh? and so do those chicken balls with the nice ruby sauce!
This is the birthday boy, john with two of his sons, little john and ryan.
i had wanted to take a whole family picture of betty and john and the five children but one of the boys, matthew had to be at work.

this vegetable platter with the ruby red cherry tomatoes was brought in by betty...a creation of costco's'!

here is the golden and belzner clan gathered around the table..there is enough food to go around for sure.
rachel is quite the plate collector and hanging on the wall behind john and sister gracey is rachel's ruby red tuesdays plate collection
do any of the plates look familiar to you?...ha!




and MORE gang!!!!

this little guy in the red sweater is just a period at the end of a long sentence!

oh well, he solaces himself with one of great auntie's meatballs.

my baby sister, karen just loves betty's little doggie, and so does ivy, our soon to be great niece.
that is one red collared spoiled doggie!

betty is talking to leona who has been a part of the family for about thirty years.
she came all dressed in different shades of red and she was just a perfect model photo for ruby tuesday.

john with his usual red checked flannel shirt did for a good picture for this special day too.
rachel, his eldest child is spoiling that furry fluff again!

sitting with rachel is lena who is gracey's eldest child and who is the mother of jordan, the little meatball boy...the boy who is the period at the end of a long sentence!

this is such a great shot.
betty who is the eldest child in the golden family looks into the eyes of pretty karen who is dad and mom golden's' youngest child.
karen was born in my beloved manitoba and i have always envied her of this.
after all, i am a prairie girl and will always be a prairie girl even though i wasn't BORN a prairie girl.
karen is 42 and she looks 18!

now THIS is not a pretty sight!
brother gary made the bad mistake of sitting beside the photographer, and look what it has cost him!
i mean the guy should be ashamed of himself, eh?
his socks are in a need of a serious darning....oh my what ugly toes you have my dear!

this is the guy!
gary is standing with his grandson, andrew.
i must say he sure doesn't look very happy with his sister!
well it serves him right.
when i was only ten, and he was only seven, he took my chain necklace and ran off with it.
i chased him until i caught him and i had him on the ground.
"give me back that necklace you!"
"well, terry is is too late!"
that brat had popped my cherished necklace into his mouth and swallowed it!!
well you see whenever, even after 49 years i can get even with him ,i do!
there will be a whole lot of people looking at his ugly toe nails...Ha!!!

i love this little guy, andrew.
he is nothing like his grampa!!

this thursday, i took mom golden to see her sister aunt marion and we went to wendy's.
aunt marion had some pretty red flowers on her jacket and so i thought i would just put her in my ruby tuesday post.

two sisters who are the best of friends after almost 80 years.
this is the senior citizen building that aunt marion lives in.
well happy ruby tuesday everybody.....god bless terry