She has sent a prayer request and I thought the best thing would be to write in this post her own words.
I am sure that she won't mind.
"My prayer request is for my weakest spot, my darling Serina.
She has not at all been well the last two months.
Ten days of throwing up and diarrhea at the end of April, then headache,soar throat,some fever, catarrh, tiredness.
We were all so occupied by my father's long term illness and death, that we did not pay enough attention to her condition.
She visited her grandfather, made her final exams, celebrated some of the "russ" time, went to her extra work as a cashier on a supermarket, but had to rest for some hours every day.
This last week she has spent mostly in bed, not a word of complaint.
Friday her fever rose to 39.7 Celsius[I'm not familiar with the Fahrenheit scale].
I asked should we call the doctor.She rejected. She does not like doctors at all. She has already had too many doctors in her life. "
This letter shortly followed from Felisol:
"Today we had to take her to the hospital, though. Her fever rose to 40.3 Celsius
degrees and her whole body was aching so frightfully, we could not even touch her. After seven hours of investigation's, the doctors came up with a probable diagnosis. Reactive arthritis. She is in the hospital now for further examinations. I am horrified. Her father's mother died with a severe arthritis when Serina was just four weeks old. I so do hope that the Lord will spare her from that awful destiny. Will you when you have the strength and time help me for praying for Serina?"
And a third letter came.
"You can ask anyone to pray for Serina. She is a rare darling and she is in much pain now, and might be looking at a dark future if the Lord does not interfere."
In dear Felisol's last letter, it just seems as if the Lord has wrapped His loving arms around her!
"I must tell you, though, a sudden peace fell over me, I can't explain, "Your peace shall be like the flood", is the words inside my head.
I thank God for Arlene.Have just prayed for her. It's wonderful to be the child of the living. loving God"....Felisol