I was going to send her, like I told you on Monday but she wanted to be in a family picture at Gramma and Grampa Golden's on Sunday.
I have just now developed the picture and will stuff it into her suitcase.
Please know that I have also packed her fresh carrot sticks and a few golden delicious apples but I am afraid that they will be confiscated at the border as they do not allow veggies or fruits over to the States from Canada!
Just be prepared to feed her when she arrives home tomorrow morning.
She will be travelling by herself because Sioux Sue's kids had to leave yesterday,
It was all they could stand, because they wanted to get home for the anniversary cake before their dad Raf ate it all up!!
Princess has paid our cell phone bill in full so you can just tell that Judge Judy that she can go fly a kite!!
Let me know that the princess has arrived safely and don't believe any wild stories she has about how mean we were to her,
If you ask me, she is just spoiled rotten, but I guess you aren't asking me, eh?......From your Canadian friends, Bernie, Terry and Shopper...