Another year gone by and already another anniversary for such a special couple! Happy Anniversary dearest Mrs. Mac to you and your special sweetheart, Bernie and I hope that you have a great day! With all of our love and our thanks to you for being such great friends..Love Bernie and Terry
As I was reading this story today from the Toronto Sun, I could not help but think of Dianne. Now Dianne is the mother of two kitties names of Siren and Mia. She is a lady with a soft heart who loves to rescue cats! I just know that she will love this story!
Cat Uses Up 1 of 9 Lives
"Abandoned feline survives 17-floor plummet from Mississauga apartment windowsill"
It takes the phrase "tree hugger" to a new level. A black and white cat remarkably survived a 17 floor plummet out of a Mississauga apartment building window sill this week by grabbing hold of a small tree's branches just before it hit the ground. "I don't know how it did it" said Daniel Ambaye, the building superintendent of Dixie Meadows apartments, near Dundas St W. and Dixie Rd. "It's amazing it didn't die" added Ambaye, who found the cat abandoned in a top floor unit. Ambaye, cleaning out the unit left vacant and strewn with garbage,found the cat Monday night and rummaged up some canned food for it. When he returned to the bedroom, he was terrified to see the feline had jumped up onto the open windowsill, just centimetres from the ledge. "I backed out of the room slowly," Ambaye said, "I didn't want to startle it." Soon. though, the superintendent heard a "terrible loud screeching noise"-the cat was hurtling toward the ground. "I ran down to the ground and there it was, bleeding from the mouth and a little dazed", he said. Ambaye took the cat inside and cleaned its wounds as best as he could. Even a half hour later, he said the cat was still clutching the branches which had broken from the tree. The next day, the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals rushed to pick up the cat. "It's still a bit tender and a bit sore" SPCA spokesperson Allison Cross said yesterday. "Unbelievably, though, we think it's going to be okay." The cat will be nursed to health until its owners are contacted. Cross said charges could be brought against the people who abandoned it.
Ha! I am sure if Dianne lived in Toronto, Canada, she would have been the first in line to adopt this little fellow! For sure and Siren's nose has just nicely been getting back into joint again after the arrival of Mia!
This evening, I paid a visit to our amazing grace man RRBJ. This was his post and it is well worth reading He has not been well lately but now says that he is feeling better. We just thank the Lord for answered prayer. On his blog, he has a real neat picture of Jesus that if you click on to it, the Lord walks right down the church isle and gives you His hand. I have put Grandpaw Ron's blog address here. When I was 14years old Jesus came knocking on the door to my heart and I let Him in . I was young and the things I was taught sounded so real and I had stored them in my mind for many years but did not take them seriously ? My friends learn patience and you will find many of those things you heard will become real and help to grow your faith ? Many years I spent hanging on and the last several years my Faith has really grown and I’ve found much peace in my heart and that Jesus’s Faithfulness has convinced I’m standing on a solid Rock ! That day that Jesus walked down that Isle and took me by my hand and said ” Come unto me and I will give you Peace ” ! The last few years those words have been my comfort ? I know that Jesus has been there for me Faithfully !
I have recieved many emails over the last month wanting to know if I’m alright ? I have not commented on blogs very little because it seemed I had to conquer the things going through my mind that was between Me and Jesus ? Since august I have had many Adversitys one after another ? I could not have got this far without the prayers from my church Family and my blogging friends ! I say to all of you ” Thanks ” ! I hope to start visiting the blogs and commenting ?
My last chapter I had fell again on the account of my ignorance got hold of me ? When I fell I fell straight down on my bottom and it disrupted every thing inside of me ? The last three weeks I have been recuperating and I’m about 95 percent ok now ?
Blessings to all ! Ron.
Morning Terry and Friends,
If you get time click on the url on my blog and read the story about The Rope ? Praying that Dad Golden will cut his rope and let Jesus into His heart ?
On July 30 of this year we met Donna for the first time. It was a rainy Wednesday morning that Betty and I packed Mom Golden into Betty's little white car and we headed for Niagara-on-the Lake[a small town near Niagara Falls] where we were to meet our American New Yorker sister, Donna While we were waiting for her and as it was raining, Betty and I snapped pictures from inside the car. Here are a few of them. As you can see but the refection of the handicap card, we were in a good spot!
I liked this red brick building and I enjoyed looking at the different people who were travelling under bight umbrellas.
Loving reflections the way I do, I snapped this picture of the mirror. Just look at those rain drops Donna.
This brave soul in the white bicycle helmet was getting as close a shot as he could of those red and purple flowers that were hanging in a big basket.
Ah! More refection's! This was before I ever had discovered Ruby Tuesday or I would have really noticed the reds in these pictures!
Finally as we waited, the rain stopped and there was Donna! Betty was walking side by side beside her. They had become instant friends!
And here she is! Donna! The American girl who is not only our friend but now part of the Golden family. Mom Golden has claimed her as another daughter!
Mom Golden looking very happy to be dining out with the girls!
Ha! Betty, Donna, and Mom Golden do like looking at hats! We tired to convince Donna to buy this cute red hat but she insisted that it looked better on her new Mom! A red hat indeed! Neither one of them ended up buying it. Instead, Betty bought Mom Golden a navy blue one!
Mom Golden and Donna taking a stroll down the Main street of Niagara-on-the Lake. The rain had disappeared and the sun was shining!
Betty and Donna best friends forever!
The three girls sitting down for a rest and one last chat before we have to separate.
Mom Golden hates good byes!
She surely does!
And so do I!
One last picture and Donna would be on her way! When she left, the clouds came out again and our sunshine was gone!
I grew up in a family of nine children and each week my mother didn't just send us to Sunday School,she came with us.
We heard the gospel week after week from the year 1956 but were not saved until 1967.
The summer of 1967 my mother,my sister, Betty and I were all gloriously saved.
From that year until now several of my brothers and sisters were saved, but my dad still remains on the outside.
It has been our prayer that he will be saved soon and then the family circle will be unbroken and we will all be on our way to heaven where we will meet the Lord and see our brother, David who has gone on before.