it has been a very busy week with the special gospel meetings, and even during the day the preachers kept busy,visiting people.
here is a real nice ruby tuesday picture of mr. fowler standing beside the little red car.
his bright jersey with its wide red stripes matches perfectly with the little red car!
the little red car seems to be enjoying the attention, although its nose was soon way of joint shortly after because mr. fowler took us for coffee in his brand new blue van..
bernie has really taken a liking to mr. fowler.
here they are in tim horten's where the young preacher is reading a text from his daughter.
oh the joys of the internet where we can keep so close to our families and friends.
mr. fowler's daughter has almost finished her education as a surgeon. she quite often texts her dad. in fact it was only eleven o'clock here and it was the fourth time that she had contacted him!
now it is dad and mom golden's turn for a visit.
you will recognise the entrance where i have taken so many pictures of dad golden's comings and goings!
mr. fowler well knows the way to my parent's apartment because he and mr. crawford have already visited them several times.
bernie follows and into the door they go!
mr. fowler gets mom golden to smile for this picture.
and here is bernie wearing a wide smile standing beside his new friend.
dad golden has not arrived home yet and so mr. fowler sat on dad golden's throne and read a bit of the newspaper.
until mom golden handed him a book of hers to read....a book about the songs of solomon.
mom golden has so many good books in her "library".
when dad golden arrived home, he didn't mind sitting on mom golden's easy chair.
he even let me make him a cup of tea!
bernie took a picture of the three of us.
and i took a picture of the three of THESE!
and one last picture of mom and dad golden and mr. fowler and me in front of mom golden's wall of fame!..ha!
mom golden is sitting on her birthday blanket. she loves that cat!
well time to go and that bernie has completely left me and the camera behind!
seems these days he is following that mr. fowler around!
and around!
matthew 4 19And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
20And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.
mr. fowler has been following the lord jesus since 1969 and now he encourages others to follow Him.
the reason for bernie's laughter here is what mr. fowler told him,
"i have 45 more minutes left...where are we going for a coffee?"
and so we went to tim horten's again in the brand new blue van and left the little red car behind...AGAIN!
now although we had a very nice visit with dad golden, it was a serious one as well.
mr. fowler had given dad golden a gospel tract to read and dad golden went into his tv room and read the whole thing..and i am glad he did...i will try on the next post to copy and paste that good paper....
happy ruby tuesday everyone...love terry