happy belated anniversary mr. and mrs. jim[feb 24th] i hope you had a wonderful day! mr. jim, i am putting this song in for you and i am sure that you will love it! it is the song of your life!
today, feb 25th is serina's 22nd birthday. serina is the joy of her mother, felisol's heart and the apple of her dad, gunnar's eye...she is a precious treasure to her gramma and her uncle. and this little girl from the far side of the sea is known by so many of her mother's friends in blog land..and is loved of all!
this little norwegian girl, just as her mother and her grandmother before her is a lover of flowers. she looks like a beautiful flower herself as she stands as fair as a princess under this lovely perfumed bush.
serina is wearing a sparkling string of lights...beautiful indeed she is and around the photo is her dear mom and dad and uncle and grandmother...her dear grandfather is now in heaven but serina will never forget him and so i have placed him in this picture doing what he loved best in life and that is reading his bible! .....to his family! i will never forget what felisol once told me about princess serina.. i can't remember if she told me in an email or if she told me this on the phone. felisol, who is a prayer warrior told me that whenever she sees an ambulance hurrying on to the hospital, she prays for the person who is being rushed there. serina quietly told her, "mom, i begin praying as soon as i hear the siren, before i ever actually see the ambulance!" what a wonderful little girl she is!
dearest serina...i am going to put this song in and the words in this song are exactly what your mom and your dad and your gramma and your uncle and all of your friends think of you! and the flowers in this song are almost[just almost] as exquisite as you are! http://felisol.blogspot.com
go and see mary the teach, the creator of ruby tuesday!
as you know, thursday was mom golden's birthday and i did manage to get this one picture of her taken on the day itself,but i never got the rest of the photos taken until this sunday and i will wait until tomorrow to put them in. i thought that these few pictures would be good for ruby tuesday. that pea, the little northern nana had fantastic olympic pictures that she made a great post of and i don't know WHY she never used them for her ruby tuesday post. they are all prize winners! http://peascorner.blogspot.com/2010/02/canada-has-olympic-fever.html
it was a restful day for bernie and i this saturday...and we WERE really tired. bernie took this picture of me....ha! twin terries!
when i look at this picture of bernie, i always think of what he told me when we first met, "i was born on a wednesday and i am still looking both ways for sunday! well by the looks of things, he is still a bit confused!
happy ruby tuesday everybody god's blessings...love terry
I grew up in a family of nine children and each week my mother didn't just send us to Sunday School,she came with us.
We heard the gospel week after week from the year 1956 but were not saved until 1967.
The summer of 1967 my mother,my sister, Betty and I were all gloriously saved.
From that year until now several of my brothers and sisters were saved, but my dad still remains on the outside.
It has been our prayer that he will be saved soon and then the family circle will be unbroken and we will all be on our way to heaven where we will meet the Lord and see our brother, David who has gone on before.