today is mr. jim's birthday and i was so busy today and could not make this post earlier and so i thought i would do it in the early evening but alas!...bernie and i were so busy going to the door and popping in cans of coke into the trick or treat kids bags and now at nine o'clock, i finally have the time to wish to you mr. jim a very happy birthday and i hope that you have many more!
mr. jim has TWO birthdays
when mr. jim was a man, he so wanted to be a christian...and one happy day it happened ..mr. jim has two birthdays in his life now...here are his own words.
Jim said...
"These were the words spoken to me, personally, by the Lord:
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."
I had heard and read these words from the Bible, again in Revelations (Chapter 3, Verse 20), many times before. They were spoken to the people of the church at Laodicea in Turkey, many years ago.
But one day, at a revival, these words became personal to me. I had wondered for years if I were really saved.
That day, in the pew, the words were whispered to me personally, from Jesus Himself, it was the strangest feeling I have ever had.
[They made have actually been spoken by The Holy Spirit, I don't know, and it doesn't matter.]
I responded right then in a short silent prayer asking Jesus to forgive my sin and that I promised to follow Him and His commands from that day on."
mr. jim has lived many years since that marvelous day and his life surely proves that he is a true child of the lord jesus and if we never meet on this earth mr. jim, bernie and i will surely meet you on the other side...
i hope that you like this little sunday school song that many sunday school children have grown up with...i know you will like it because you love little kids!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY our dear texas friend and i hope that this year you will share a piece of this cake with my beloved niece, adi!..................love bernie and terry