Friday, May 16, 2008
For Saija By Request From Felisol
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Lilacs For The Snow Queen
I think it is very generous of me indeed!
I am harbouring no ill feelings towards you.
I have fully forgiven you for sending us all that snow from Idaho.
You KNOW how much I love snow, eh? NOT!!
No hard feelings though, eh?
I wish that I could send along with this picture the sweet perfume of the flowers!
I can't, so what I am doing is sending this picture and wishing that you have many spring flowers soon and summer ones too!!.......Love Terry
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mothers Day At Mom Golden's

Yesterday Bernie and I and Gracey and Gracey's grandson, Jordan made our way, as we usually do every Sunday to Dad and Mom Golden's place for Sunday dinner, prepared by Dad.
Dad usually makes a full coarse beef, potatoes, veggie dinner every week but this week he made STEW.
"Dad", I told him, "this is Mothers Day you know!. It reminds me of that Christmas dinner you made for us years ago when mom was in the hospital."
That year Dad Golden had opened a few cans of Habitant Pea Soup and that is what he served!
I will never forget my younger brother, Teddy punching his head as he usually did when he was angry, and whining, "Fine Christmas dinner THIS is!".... Ha!!
Well that stew, although it was delicious indeed, sure wasn't party food if you know what I mean! Little Jordan promptly turned up his nose and wouldn't even touch it!
We picked Mom a bouquet of lilacs from our front yard lilac bush. She has always loved lilacs. They smell so nice!
The bouquet was almost as big as she was!
Next year maybe I will order me some nice flowers from Deborah's Mom and Dad's Manitoba Garden. I think it can be arranged, eh Deb?
Dad Golden informed us that even though it was Mothers Day that he was STILL the King of the castle! [Well in this case the King of the apartment!]
My Felisol, I would like to thank you for letting me use this, your picture to put Mom Golden into.
She is now in your part of the world in Norway on the far side of the sea!....
Happy Mothers Day Mom!!!!..Love Bernie and Terry
Sunday, May 11, 2008
In Memory Of Dottie Rambo
Dottie Rambo, writer of more than 2,500 published songs, was killed early this morning when the bus in which she was riding ran off a road in southwest Missouri and struck an embankment. The Missiouri State Highway Patrol says Lawrence County Coroner Don Lakin pronounced her dead at the scene at 4:20 a.m.
Seven other people in Dottie's tour bus were injured, two of them seriously, all of whom are being treated at St. John's Hospital in Springfield, Missouri. Among them was Dottie's manager, Larry Ferguson, 30, who sustained "moderate" injuries including two broken legs.
Police say the bus ran off I-44 about two miles east of Mt. Vernon and struck the guard rail and an embankment at about 2:19 a.m. Police are uncertain as to whether or not the accident was weather-related. There were reports of severe storms and tornadoes in the area earlier during the night.
Buck Rambo, told Paul Heil, host of The Gospel Greats program, that Dottie was apparently asleep in her bunk at the time of the mishap. The force of the impact apparently threw her to the floor, causing injuries which proved fatal.
Dottie and her entourage were enroute from Illinois, where she sang Saturday night, to the Dallas/Fort Worth area to do a concert with Lulu Roman and Naomi Sego as part of what is being called the "Golden Girls of Gospel Music Tour."
Among Dottie's best-known songs were "He Looked Beyond My Fault and Saw My Need" and "We Shall Behold Him," which was the Gospel Music Association's 1982 song of the year.
Dottie Rambo was 74.
I felt so bad about this today. I had been going to do a Mothers Day Post for Mom Golden but I felt that I must put this on first.
Heart broken as I was I wrote Saija and this is the reply I got from her. She has been such a comfort!
Saija's words
"yes, i can see her singing that sweet song ...
you know what tho' ... i am getting more homesick every day ... there are so many who are with the Lord - that soon, heaven will have all the loved ones there ...
but all in God's timing ...
so play those Dottie albums and imagine how sweet her voice must sound today ...
(((hgs))) saija