on may 5th our good friends raf and sioux sue celebrated their 32nd anniversary and so, although it is two days late we want to wish them a very happy belated anniversary.
i have put them into a beautiful lake ontario sunset but alas the trees are not so beautiful!
they are still undressed and are waiting for the tiny buds to grow into leaves!
in the picture where raf has carved his and his sweetheart's initials are two cats guarding it.
the kitties names are gus and turtle.
turtle is raf's pride and joy but sioux sue loves all three of her cats.
their other cat, jake refused to come back to canada again because he feels that he was thoroughly snubbed by grandpaw ron's daughter, princess and i am sure he was!
adi and amber, mr. jim's grandaughters have escorted turtle and jake over a couple of times to canada to visit bernie and me and shopper and various other blogger pets.
once again raf and sweet sue...happy anniversary.
nat king cole is now going to sing a nice romantic love song to you guys!.....
love bernie and terry and the shop.