Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ruby Tuesday Followers



39 years ago, bernie came to st catharines to visit mom and dad golden to this house[this was before the family moved to welland].

yes! that ottawa boy came south for a visit and HERE is how it went!

bernie took to dad golden right away and everywhere that dad golden went, that boy was sure to go! here he is following dad golden out from my gramma golden's house. judging by the wide smile bernie is wearing, it seems that bernie was quite happy about the visit.

here he is following his hero to the car.

it looks like big ted is occupying the front passenger seat and so bernie slips into the back one.

alas! alas!...there are no ruby reds in these blacks and whites!...the good old days of browny 620 cameras!


one day ago in the month of april dad golden had to go to the hospital for xrays.
here he is waiting at his apartment in welland[this was years after the family moved from st catherines to welland]....he looks very happy because....

he is now the guy that is doing the following!...here he walks closely behind his son-in-law.

yes the welland boy with the black suspenders is leading dad golden.

right to the hospital door...and they both walk right on in!

we lose sight of dad golden as he goes though a door with a pretty nurse...and wonder of wonders...look!..it is a ruby red door!!

here is bernie and judging by his wide smile, he seems to be very happy sitting in the waiting room that is just chuck full of ruby chairs and ruby doors!

dad golden's xrays are completed and he follows bernie again..i must say that dad golden is following a little farther away this time behind that speedy bernie!

who has ducked behind a hall way and is almost out of sight...what a nice rosy glow the wall makes on the shiny floor!

ah! there he is and how nice! there is a nurse in ruby coloured pants...the photographer who is just as tired as dad golden just HAS to snap a picture!...and so there she does.

well! 39 years later there is dad golden following is now son-in-law to HIS car!...a pretty little red car..."red riding hood".

it is a long walk!

but dad golden finally gets there.

and so does the camera..it seems that dad golden is occupying the front passenger seat and so the weary photographer slips into the back one...but

not until she has snapped another ruby tuesday photo of a red sweatered lady!...snap!

"home james", says dad golden and so off we go!

no looking back!

happy ruby tuesday everybody...god bless you..love terry
thirty-nine years ago in the month of march, bernie came for a visit to mom and dad goldens' to this house when they lived in st catharines[this was before the family moved to welland].

ONT>yes, that ottwaw came to the south for a visit!ans THIS i s how it went..

ave0041.JPG" border=0>bernie took to dad golden right away and everywhere that dad golden did go, theren trailed bernie after him! here he is just following dad golden from a visit to my gramma golden's house. judging by the wide smile in bernie's face, he surely did enjoy the visit!

he follows new hero to the car.

0043.JPG" border=0>it looks like big teddy is occupieing the front passenger seat and so bernie slips into the back.

alas! alas, there is no rosy red in these black and white photo pictures..from the good old days!

+IMG_0924.JPG" border=0>one day ago in the month of april, here is dad golden waiting at his apartment door in welland.[the family moved for st catharins to welland 38 years ago!]..dad golden is waiting to go to the hospital for some xrays and he is seems very happy because....

here is his son-in-law now at the front of the line! dad follows the guy wearing the black suspenders..

he follows close behind up the sidewalk..

KosXtI/AAAAAAAAGNA/IovoHD_T1V4/s400/9+IMG_0903.JPG" border=0>and then stiaght into the open door of the hospital..

and then...wonder of wonders, dad golden disappears out of sight and there he is behind a ruby red door!

vJA/S83xU69IIEI/AAAAAAAAGMw/G6cANWgSbMs/s400/11+IMG_0909.JPG" border=0>here bernie sits and waits and judging by the wide smile in his face, he is very pleased visiting in the waiting room that is chuck full of ruby chairs and ruby doors!

6OvJA/S83vkZNs2VI/AAAAAAAAGMo/r8gOOSjily8/s400/12+IMG_0910.JPG" border=0>well the xray is over and so bernie leads the line again..i must say that he seems a little further away now from that speedy bernie!

.JPG" border=0>who has ducked behind a hallway and is almost out of sight!..what a nice rosey glow on the shiny floor!

oh there he is and so nice...there is a nurse in ruby coloured pants!..the photographer is just as tired as dad golden, but this picture just HAD to be snapped!

com/__ELQ0N6OvJA/S83ujAHVNGI/AAAAAAAAGMI/CCTHxbz4pxc/s400/16+IMG_0916.JPG" border=0>now,thirty nine laterm dad golden is following bernie to HIS car!..a nice little red car!.."red riding hood".

it is a long walk!

dad golden finally gets there!

dsigrI/AAAAAAAAGLw/AXKU3zP5Wow/s400/19+IMG_0919.JPG" border=0>and so does the camera...oh it seems that dad golden is occupieing the front passenger seat!

="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/__ELQ0N6OvJA/S83tFHU6vKI/AAAAAAAAGLo/fZic59oR1g8/s400/20+IMG_0920.JPG" border=0>and so the weary photrapher has to slip into the back seat!...but not until she catches one more ruby
sweaterd lady! snap

enter" alt="" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjWCofMERHjG7j-mFqE7pb4Wge3R0dz3Y4kSlJwFcijS7FdxkyjVxh6NQ61RhhXT5_OfRD2CIIE3nYrnWxu5zOLWyFQL8Wexnj8EQtn6TSiY83Qjm1qoL1vED6jguUCAKK0778OKQ/s400/21+IMG_0921.JPG" border=0>"home james",says dad golden, and off we go!

bp.blogspot.com/__ELQ0N6OvJA/S83sDCMFC4I/AAAAAAAAGLY/aBfg1nsjcCY/s400/22+IMG_0922.JPG" border=0>no looking back!

happy ruby tuesday everyone!...god bless you!...love terry

Monday, April 19, 2010


thirty nine years ago in the month of march, bernie was visiting dad and mom golden when they lived in st catharines in this house.[before the family moved to welland].

yes the ottawa boy was just visiting!

and here is how the time mostly went.

bernie was following that dad golden all over the place...here they were just leaving dad's mother's house, my gramma golden.

judging by the smile on bernie's face, he had enjoyed the visit.

PG" border=0>still following behind dad golden, bernie makes his way to the car.

A>it looks like big teddy is in the front passenger side and so bernie slips into the back seat.

alas alas...no rosey red picutres from this black and white camera scene!


l_UiAfs/s400/6+IMG_0924.JPG" border=0>one day ago in the month of april dad golden left his apartment to go the the hospital for an xray.he is smiling widely because....

THIS time he is the one that will be following..following none other than his son in law of 38 years!

yes, here the two of them are, marching toward the hospital,

and into the hsopital doors they go! dad golden is walking closely behing that guy in the suspenders....until luck of luck..

dad golden is hidden from our view, but look at the colour of the door he is behind...for sure and it is a ruby red one!

judging by his big smile, bernie seems quite happy to be sitting in the waiting room which was chuck full of ruby red chairs!