this morning at the dawn of a new year for mr. jim, our beloved friend from texas, bernie and i captured a beautiful sunrise.
now i must admit that i, myself have observed very few sunrises and i have had to beg saija than once to send me one from my beloved manitoba, but this morning i did catch one!
and so the first thing i thought of was mr. jim and the first thing we wanted to do was to wish him a happy birthday
i think he is either 109 or 110...the last several months he has not displayed his age on his blog like he used to do!
for sure and he has got pretty closed mouth about the whole thing!
now adi, mr. jim's granddaughter was not very pleased when i told her that i needed help and so she had better get the first available plane and fly over to assist not very pleased at all!

she showed me the card that mr. jim's family was featured on and i must say that mr. jim has one pretty wife, one adoring sister and a lovely daughter, a handsome son in law and two of the sweetest grandchildren!
adi surely agrees!
"now", adi complained, "you didn't even give me a chance to put my picture on this birthday card and my grampa jim is going to have a nose way out of joint and hurt feelings!"
"oh that's ok adi". i haven't got the time to put my name on this card either!"
but rest assured mr, jim, my friend and your grampa knows that we love him!
after all isn't he the greatest sunday school teacher and godly christian that you ever knew?"

now amber is quite disappointed that i never sent adi back with any cake.
hopefully mrs. jim will make her one and shares some with her!
poor katrin is in the same sad boat, but really since bernie has retired, cakes are few and far between on my blogs!

thank you so much for your help adi and don't worry, i am closing this post with the bestest wishes for your grampa jim and my friend, mr. jim and i am signing it, from you and me!!! terry and adi.
and because it is now the lords day here in canada and texas, i will put in a lovely hymn that my friend sandy and tammi reminded me of this morning.