Saturday, May 13, 2006

Crocus-Manitoba's Official Provincial Flower

I feel I want to write one more message. I would like to put some more flower pictures in that one of my Manitobian school chums, Jennie sent to me. Although she now lives in Nova Scotia, she has never forgotten our emblem Manitoba flower, the crocus. She took pictures of her friend Margaret's crocuses and emailed them to me. They are just lovely!! I can't remember if they bloom all summer but if they do, I surely do hope I will see them when I go to our school reunion in Rivers, Manitoba this July!!

Thank you Jennie and Margaret for the flowers!

Reflections and Shadows Of Golden Flowers

You might say that THESE aren't flowers but I would heartily disagree with you! I had to beg my Kentucky friend, Morgan to email these dandelions as we had such cool weather here in Ontario, Canada that they were not even showing their golden faces. And to me when they arrive it is a sure sign of spring!!
I think the shadows that these flowers are casting are just beautiful and when Miss Morgan put them into pretty, delicate blue vases and brought them into the house they were lined up into a straight row, admiring their own refections in the window and drinking in the warm sunshine that was steaming in!!

Thank you Morgan!!! I framed these little beauties with MY favorite flower, the pansy!!!

Golden Sunsets Again!

I can't believe that it has been more than a month since I have written in this blog of mine!! I must be getting lazy in my old age!!After all, my friend, Erica helped me so much teaching me to get the hang of it.
Anyways, I am writing two posts tonight and try to make up for a little lost time.
As you can see here, even though the trees are still bare here by Lake Ontario, the sunsets are back in all their golden glory and I have already taken hundreds of pictures of them!! It was really hard to choose a couple to show you!
I am very thankful that Bernie bought me a 2 gig stick for my camera. But I must say this, I will certainly NEVER trust him again to download the pictures first into HIS laptop!!You, Morgan and Jo know exactly what I mean!! Ha!!