here is what she says in her profile
"North, India
I am a single , evangelical, born-again Christian woman, child of the swinging 60s. A teacher by profession,but changed gears when disability - in the sound and light realm struck. Now I am a care giver to my widowed Mom and business manager of our small church (voluntary service )The purpose of my blog is to share the trials and triumphs of life in India and encourage friends to pray for us.You can call it a cross cultural blog"
here is the little white church in northern india where amrita and her mama gather with other christian brothers and sisters to read the scriptures, study them and pray and give praises to the god who has redeemed them!
this is the pretty picture of the princess at easter time.

this lovely couple is amrita's mama and papa on their wedding day...papa has gone ahead to heaven and mama lives with amrita...mama will be 80 this june...i found it hard to find a photo of how she looks these days, but the last i saw of her why!, she didn't look a day over 60!
amrita has such a huge blog that it takes a lot of time to go through! ..and so i thought this would be a nice picture to put in.
this is one cute doggie and is very much a member of amrita and mama's family..he is a good doggie usually but i do think that his mother spoils him at times!!
here sheeba is looking over the many, many awards that amrita has been given from her many friends and i must tell you that they are ALL deserved by this lovely girl!
she is a dedicated friend to many. .and most important, she is a faithful friend too!
here is something i read on her blog and i loved it!
"During my blog travels around the world I come across stories and posts which lead me to thank the Lord for all the blessings He has given me and reach out to people around me. They are like guideposts"
and here is what i read that some girls told her..girls who mama and she had met on the street who were selling their crafts.
"The girls came by and chatted with mummy and me.
We asked them about their lives and families.
Before leaving they said
we spoke so kindly to them.
One girl remarked to my mother,
"Aunty we feel you have a heart
of compassion for the poor".
'Not all city women are so friendly '.
All glory belongs to God."
there are many many more nuggets of gold in amrita's blog "yesu garden" and it would really be worth your while to visit her!

you can find amrita and read here, her wonderful blog at..http://yesugarden.blogspot.com/