This beautiful little kitty with the nice blue eyes belongs to Naomi and I asked his mama a few weeks ago if I could post him on my blog..
Well the perfect opportunity has arrived, and that is the birthday of a dear friend of so many of us...Maggie-Ann, who just loves cats!
Sweetie is not really smiling and neither am I because I am two weeks late on wishing Maggie-Ann a Happy Birthday.
I have been running late on so many special occasions lately [hmm.. no pun intended!]
The little gal in the picture, with all those curls is Miss Maggie-Ann and if you read her profile, you can see there that she just adores "Anne Of Green Gables".
I cannot for the life of me understand why she spells her name without the "e"...
Ann, without the "e" does not just cut it as far as I am concerned!
Below I have copied Maggie-Ann's own words...
"When I was just a little girl,
I said to my Mother,
what will I be?
Will I be pretty,
will I be rich?...
Here's what she said to me...
"que sera sera,
Whatever will be will be,
the future's not ours to see...
que sera sera."
My Mother really did sing this to me when I was just a little girl. And I loved it. And now I'm all grown up and the most precious thing in my life is my personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ his son, my Saviour. I'm so thankful to be saved. To become a new creature in Christ is trully life changing. The most wonderful blessing to me, for now and for the eternal life to come. No wondor John Newton...was inspired to pen the words, ...
"Amazing Grace....
how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see".
There is no sinner that will be turned away if he or she trully repents and asks God's forgiveness. "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."
Maggie-Ann[e] turned 60 years old Jauary 15th..
She is catching up to Adi''s Grampa, Mr. Jim, who according to HIS profile is 106 years young!!
Happy Birthday Maggie-Ann[e]!!!!!
love Bernie and Terry
Thank you Naomi for allowing me to borrow your little prince for a while!...........