today from this side of the sea birthday wishes are going out to serina, the only daughter of my bestest friend on the other side of the sea, felisol.
serina has grown into a beautiful young norwegian princess!

these are the tiny red shoes that serina wore when she was a baby!...oh how great that her mommy and daddy, gunnar would save these...mom and dad golden could have never done this...after all with nine pairs of feet, each baby would have to pass down a pair of shoes to the next baby!

here is baby serina with her mommy..

it sure didn't take that babe in arms to climb out and start to admire the books..rows and rows of prescious books...books were her love in life and as she grew, she studied and excelled in school and university...her grampa and gramma and uncle kel were so proud of her and as for felisol and gunnar...what can i say?

didn't take her long to climb into a big red truck either...good thing that her little legs could not reach the driving pedal, eh?

here is where she became a real live princess...[and a living doll!]

and a gymnast.
and so the princess grew from this...to this

..how she loves her uncle kel!

and her daddy, gunnar.

and her mom, felisol and her gramma ljung[who is now in heaven]...never to be forgotten by her loving grand daughter.

nor her grampa ljung either....she will never forget!

right untll her gramma ljung entered heaven, serina was by her side as much as she could be and by this photo, you can just feel the love that was flowing between these dear ones..no generation gap here!

now this is my most favourtie picture of serina...i have always loved it and i am afraid that in almost every one of her birthday posts i have included it!

now do you see this guy?...her name is amidala...and her

and her most favourite movie star is this pretty young girl on the television screen!

now this is a picture to show you how beautiful the baby in the arms of her mommy grew into!

just stunning!!

this is the royal family.......happy birthday sweet serina...and i hope your mom made you a big birthday cake!!..and that amidala kept her black paws out of it!

maybe i will post this to ruby tuesday, serina so that everyone will know that it is your birthday...god bless you little one...love bernie and terry