here is a picture of gary and bernie and i....gary, my bother introduced bernie to me when we lived in ottawa...he has never forgotten to wish us a happy anniversary...NEVER!!.....we just got off the phone with him.
these two small pictures are the "before we met" pictures. and the photo under them is the farewell to bernie and gary and ottawa picture...mom and dad golden and the six children had moved south to welland and so a few months later betty and i moved to be with them...we rented a small house in st catharines...parting is such sweet sorrow, eh? .....a few months later gary and bernie migrated south and moved in with mom and dad golden and the kids.
on a cool day, march 11, 1972 bernie and i were married in the gospel hall....when bernie and i were married, mom golden told everybody that she was losing a son and losing the best help she had ever had....not a mention of losing a daughter!.....it is a good thing that i didn't know mrs. mac then..i am sure that she would of given us a nice wedding gift of new fallen snow!
this is the only baby i ever had...i found him one stormy february day...he was stuck in a huge snow drift outside the house and when i heard him meowing, i grabbed him and told him he was here to stay!..he lived for sixteen years....his name?...well, what else could i have called him other than, "sir galahad"?!
you all know who this little guy is laying on the bed, next to his father....you would never see one without the other...shopper left us just after christmas this year at the age of 14.
my grandpaw ron and princess made this card...it seems they had heard how hard i was working bernie and they took some pity on him!....well little do they know, since bernie has retired, i have kept him even busier than before!
shopper USED to help bernie with the laundry!
but alas!...bernie now has to do it all by himself.....he really shouldn't complain though....after all i buy him only the best brands of detergent and softener to work with.
don't you realize bernie that this is what marriage is all about?....helping wifey as much as you can?....carry on boy!
...and doing the dishes for mom golden as much as you can?...after all didn't she tell everybody that you were the best help that she ever had?....so....carry on boy!
oh well, in these "after" pictures, it looks like we are not sad....at least I AM happy!
alas!..i can't say the same for poor bernie.....he is in the dog house at the moment, because he forgot all about that it was our anniversary and he finally realized it was when the mail came and we got a real nice anniversary card from gramma and grampa yade! ...grampa yade was our master of ceremonies at our wedding and he told everybody that bernie had just tied a knot with his tongue that he would never be able to get out with his teeth!!...hahahaha!!
oh well, after i looked at this "now" picture that grampa yade took a while back, i guess i will forgive bernie...if he says that it will never happen again!...i guess i will keep the guy after his putting up with ME the last 38 years!
Happy Anniversary bernie.....now get back to work!..love terry