Saturday, October 03, 2009
In Memory Of Rosie Ventresca
amanda is grace's daughter.
her sister-in -law rosie entered heaven in the arms of jesus this thursday.
i was very happy to hear from amanda tonight that rosie accepted the lord as her saviour september 11 this year.
when gracie and i went to see rosie at the hospital the day that she passed away, it was easy to see that rosie, although she could barely speak had no fear, and that there was a sweet peace about her.
amanda was with her dear "sis" when she drew her last breath at 7:30 pm.
amanda had told rosie to walk into the arms of jesus. he was waiting for her and rosie nodded her head, opened her beautiful blue eyes , looked at amanda and did just that.
because rosie was my face book friend, i am putting this lovely song written and sung by kirk talley in as my sunday hymn..
Monday, September 28, 2009
Ruby Red Fancy Macdonald's
go and see the mary the teach who created ruby red tuesday!
moose jaw, sask is a day's trip to calgary and so this is where we stopped.
progress has had several of them demolished.
when bernie and i were last in moose jaw several years ago moderation wasn't the way. moosejaw was an old town with old ways and the only fast food restaurants were a and w and kentucky fried chicken.
there was no walmart and none of the fancy electronic stores!
but time rushes on and here we found a macdonalds right on the main drag! here the little red car has its back turned on the captain.
for sure and what an interesting macdonald's!
the back entrance and the drive-thru were more or less plain and simple.
but just take you a look at the side view of this unique macdonald's!
what a fun place they have put up for the children to play in and what a sound proof place they have put up for the children to play in and shout as loud as they like!
yet ANOTHER fantastic thing about this macs....if you click on this picture to make it bigger, you can see the name of the streets that macdonald's is built on.
macdonald and main! well here we are at a moose jaw campsite for a rest and then on west the next day for calgary, alberta and bernie's family....the brother that bernie didn't meet until he was thirty-three years old..
happy ruby tuesday you all and god bless terry