Today, being my day off I was going to take my little mother and my Aunt Marion out for lunch and shopping, but unfortunately my aunt was feeling a little under the weather.My mom and I decided to bring the lunch to Aunt Marion and stay for a little visit.
These two "girls" have been sisters for 75 years, so they have a lot to talk about. As I listened to them talk, I took their pictures! Ha! I never leave home without my camera!
After enjoying a hot meal, special delivery from Tim Hortons and my little red car and me, these two "best friends" looked over Aunt Marions' large collection of pictures. And because each had nine children, this is a whole lot of memories!! Aunt Marion has nine children, 25 grand children and 26 great grandchildren. My mom has nine children, 26 grandchildren and three greats!
At the top of this blog is a picture of the two sisters when they were just young "chicks" in their 40's. I think it is one of my favorite pictures of them. My nother is on the right.
We enjoyed a couple hours together and it was time to say good bye till next time. Aunt Marion stood at the door as I stuffed my little mother into the little red car and it was "hi-ho Silver" until another day!!