This song had been in my heart for a few days.
The Lord Jesus surely deserves all the worship and the praises that we can give to Him!
Psalm 145:3
Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.
1. Worthy of homage and of praise;
Worthy by all to be adored;
Exhausted theme of heavenly lays;
Thou, Thou art worthy, Jesus, Lord.
2. Now seated on Jehovah’s throne,
The Lamb once slain, in glory bright;
‘Tis thence Thou watchest
o’er Thine own,
Guarding us through the deadly fight.
3. To Thee, e’en now,
our song we raise,
Though sure the tribute
mean must prove,
No mortal tongue can tell Thy ways,
So full of light and life and love.
4. Yet, Saviour, Thou shalt
have full praise,
We soon shall meet Thee on the cloud,
We soon shall see Thee face to face,
In glory praising as we would.