In the wee hours of the morning, I arose from my sleep, thinking only to get a glass of water. I decided to go and see my friend Mrs. Mac. and this is what a found... a real treasure of a post written by a real treasure of a woman! Alas! I couldn't keep this to myself, and so I lifted Mrs. Mac's words right off of her site for others to read! All that Mrs. Mac can do is sue me, eh, but she is not that type of lady! So here it is!
My motto for years was: "When My Kids Grow Up" ... this meant the time for me to get back in the workforce outside the home. Slowly the years have crept by. One at a time ... adding up to several decades now. Time still spent at home. No longer do I wait for these years to pass by ... there will, most likely, never be an opportunity to work outside the home. Some of my children have left the nest. Another will leave in a few short months after college. Yet another will most likely be my charge for many more years to come. Now I'm cycling in a grandchild to watch a few days a week. He's already stolen my heart and I couldn't possibly send him off to day care (not on my watch). Suddenly, I'm becoming the matriarch of our family. I am starting to like that title. It's a protective, full of wisdom type of title. Not many women can call themselves the Matriarch of their families. I've come full circle ... and I am thankful to be a child of God, sister of many friends, daughter, mother, grandmother, wife, secretary of our HOA ;)... my job titles are too many to list. I may not get paid monetarily ...but hugs, pats, and oatmeal kisses are not too bad a form of payment. 10/06/08 by Mrs. Mac
I found this beautiful picture and write up on the Internet and so I am putting it here in honour of our Mrs. Mac!
Oh that God would give every mother a vision of the glory and splendor of the work that is given to her when a babe is placed in her bosom to be nursed and trained! Could she have but one glimpse in to the future of that life as it reaches on into eternity; could she look into its soul to see its possibilities; could she be made to understand her own personal responsibility for the training of this child, for the development of its life, and for its destiny,--she would see that in all God's world there is no other work so noble and so worthy of her best powers, and she would commit to no others hands the sacred and holy trust given to her.
~ J.R. Miller, Homemaking
And I found THESE words about Mrs. Mac in the Bible!
Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:25-31
May the Lord bless you Mrs. Mac, both you and your family....Love Bernie and Terry
It is your birthday today Grampa Jim and here lies poor little Amber. She feels like she has been deserted by you and to top it all off she can't even watch "Deal Or No Deal" with all those political doings knocking it off the air! Even so, she does wish you a Happy Birthday and maybe she won't even be home when you return. Her Canadian auntie is bugging Adi to no end to hurry up and pick up all of the blog animal buddies and fly them to Canada for the Dog and Cat Fiesta!
Naomi's son, Sweetie is waiting anxiously for Adi and Katrin to pick her up for her first Canadian trip. After all she was asked three days ago! What is the big hold up anyway? Big deal if it is somebody's birthday, eh? Birthdays come and birthdays go but it isn't every day that he gets invited out to a Canadian party!
Hi Mr. Uncle Jim. My name is Mia but you probably already know that. I have seen you on my new mommy's blog. Her name is Dianne and she just thinks that I am the cat's meow! Miss. Terry has let me stick with Sweetie and you because that Siren wants to get a hold of me and drop me off to the country side. Doesn't even know that we are family!!! And I have such pretty eyes and a spankin' clean face!
Happy Birthday Mr. Uncle Jim!
Aha!! Here is the star of the whole day. Mr. Jim, himself! Bernie and I wish you a very Happy Birthday! And because you are far away in South America, and because you can't sing for your own birthday, and since you can't even carry a tune anyway, if you COULD sing for your own birthday, I have hired me a new kitty to do the honours of singing for you!!
Oh dear my new hired help! Please stay away from that cake. If you burn yourself, I would not be able to pay for any compensation! I TOLD that Mr. Shirkie not to put any candles on that thing!
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. Proverbs 31:10
Last Wednesday evening when I picked Mom Golden up for prayer meeting, I could not help but notice that she had a ruby colored sweater on and a red skirt with black flowers, and I thought to myself, "When I get that little lady home, I am going to take her picture for Ruby Tuesday." After prayer meeting and after taking Mom Golden to our usual Wednesday night haunt, "Wendys", for a baked potato and a coffee, I packed her back into the little red car and we were off for home. Much to Mom Golden's surprise, when I helped her into the apartment building, I sat her down on a chair and informed her that I was going to take her picture. "Smile!" The deed was done and I was very pleased with the results. Here you have it Teach and Ruby Tuesday buddies! A Ruby Tuesday Mother! On the table beside her, are her constant companions, her Bible, her cane and of course her purse! Oh! How I love that red brick floor!
I grew up in a family of nine children and each week my mother didn't just send us to Sunday School,she came with us.
We heard the gospel week after week from the year 1956 but were not saved until 1967.
The summer of 1967 my mother,my sister, Betty and I were all gloriously saved.
From that year until now several of my brothers and sisters were saved, but my dad still remains on the outside.
It has been our prayer that he will be saved soon and then the family circle will be unbroken and we will all be on our way to heaven where we will meet the Lord and see our brother, David who has gone on before.