Mary the Teach
i wanted to continue to make another ruby post from my treasure box of last week but i cannot handle the scanner yet, so therefore, i will post a little about my week.
this picture, was taken by my good friend doug[leona's hubby].
this is the "before" picture taken at my niece, rachel's house two days before my operation.

oh boy, here i am in the pre-op room.
of course i never leave home without my camera.
betty took this picture.
for sure and get a load of those striped blue hospital jammies..

betty left me alone to face my fate and went into the waiting room.
with camera in hand, she took a few pictures.
this window looks out on to the hospital grounds.
see the nice canadian flag waving in the cool breeze with its red maple leaf...

this is my hero matthew, scat-mat as uncle bernie and aunt terry lovingly call him.
ha..he won't let anybody else call him that.
now matthew had a pace maker put in a year ago, and he understood my fears.
he refused to leave the waiting room the whole time i was in the operation and the recovery rooms.
he is a good boy, this studious son of bettys and johns..

now this guy is betty's husband, john.
although he has had grave health problems, himself, he has always been there for us.
he looks very serious here but he is a kindly person..
while waiting anywhere, he always has a puzzle book on hand to pass the time.

now betty, even though she didn't show it to me before hand how she worries, this picture that john took in the waiting room, tells me she was thinking of me.
betty, herself had to have a pace maker last year.
for sure and it must run in the family, eh.
my sister, gail learned last week that she will probably need one too.

now, this is "after" the operation photo.
i was escorted in a wheel chair down to the main floor.
i had two handsome guys fighting over who would do the driving.
oh the luxury of the whole thing...
wow... for sure and i was certainly not sporting ruby red cheeks..
i can see where they hacked me apart and covered me with white band aids.

my precious big sister, as usual right by my side where she has been for over 59 years.
boy it seems i never leave home without my ruby red jacket either, eh..
we stopped on the way home at a country style restaurant where i treated my helpers to a good was really great but by that time i was too tired to take any pictures.

after resting a few days at home, i was still a little sore, but dad golden insisted that bernie bring me over to his apartment where as usual, he had made a delicious meal.
I took this picture, as i was sitting down, of mom golden, who was enjoying a piece of lemon meringue pie that dad golden had bought for her.
dad golden is always bringing home goodies for mom golden and she never gains a pound...gurrrr....she weighs 95 pounds soaking wet.
take a look at all those hats by her side.
mom golden does surely love her hats.

now it was betty's birthday yesterday and i was very tired but rachel came and picked me up and took me to her house for a couple of hours, while bernie was at work.
mom golden and i spent a little time with betty.
and here is that mother of mine eating again.
boy... some people have all the luck..

now this is some what of a miracle.
do you remember that mom golden flatly refused to ever own a computer.
well now that she has seen all the things you can do with one,.... she wants a lap top.
when i feel a little stronger, bernie and i are going to look into picking up one for her and betty will set her all up.
oh, she is going to love it so much.

oh when we got up this morning, we saw that the Idaho snow queen had sent a pile of snow our way and after i was so nice to her and changed her into the idaho lilac princess.
and i thought she was my friend.
bernie and i had to fight the snow as we went for breakfast.
bernie took this picture for proof.
the little red car was not one bit impressed.
all of this april snow is not a pretty sight.

the little red car is pursuing a snow covered station wagon on this snowy ruby tuesday.
hmmm..i wonder if that mrs. mac owns a station wagon.
hey my beloved grandpaw ron...if you are out there, taking a break from facebook, could you please tie another string around your pinky finger.
betty and scat-mat and i all have a pace maker appointment on april 20 to see how everything is going...thanx..