Monday, April 06, 2009

My Sister Is 61 Today

it is rather late in the day, so it is about time that i wished betty a happy birthday.
this is the time of year that i have always teased betty, by telling her that she will be two years older than me for about five months.
When teddy and gary celebrate their birthdays in july, betty will be 61, i will be
59, ted will be 58 and gary will be 57...
happy birthday betty jane golden belzner!!

for my special big sister, i am putting here a song by her favourite southern gospel group[tony gore and majesty], but she has also requested that i put a you-tube message here that is dear to her heart, so i will put them both in....


Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Happy Birthday to your sister Betty Jane. May she have more blessed birthdays to come. May the Lord shower her with all of God's blessings in His great storehouse of blessings. May the Lord grant her all of her secret desires in her heart. Thanks for the post. God bless you always. BTW, how was the operation? What is your condition now?

Felisol said...

Happy birthday, big sister Betty.
I bet you could tell us some pretty interesting stories about young Terry, soon to be 60.
My friend Turid will be 61 May 10th.
I always tease her then for being two years elder than me. Do you know what, terry, dear?
She is in total denial. Claims I am the one to be 2 years elder.
We have quarreled like this for 32 years now.
Neither of us has any sister, so I guess that's why.
From Felisol

jel said...

Happy Bday big sis!


Trish said...

Happy Birthday Betty...I too am a big
sister. (the oldest of 8) I saw this youtube awhile back...what a precious young man, eh?
How blessed you are to have our Terry for a sister!

Amrita said...

Happy birthday Betty Jane You look great in that vintage card.

Constance said...

Oh man! It's too early for the tears!!!!

happy birthday Betty!

Jim said...

Happy Birthday Betty!
Happy Birthday Betty!
Happy Birthday Betty!
Happy Birthday Betty!
Happy Birthday Betty!
Happy Birthday Betty!
Happy Birthday Betty!
Happy Birthday Betty!
Happy Birthday Betty!
Happy Birthday Betty!
Happy Birthday Betty!
Happy Birthday Betty!
Happy Birthday Betty!
Happy Birthday Betty!
Happy Birthday Betty!

That is about all the better I can sing. I may be getting better? Terry, you can tell her I sang her a birthday song, please?

Best wishes on your pacemaker checkups. I hope you will tell how they went on that day, we are leaving the country on the 21st.
Happy Birthday Betty!
