Shirley had cried when she heard the hymns playing on the CD player even as she sang softly along with them.

Yesterday it seemed like a good idea for Mom and I to go and visit Aunt Marion, Mom's one remaining sister.
Although my mother wasn't feeling well at all with her sore bones, she bravely told me to pick her up.
In the end she is glad that she went!
You see about four weeks ago my Aunt Marion had been gravely ill and was laying at death's door.
Her family thought they were going to lose her.
Two weeks ago when we visited her in the nursing home, she was still not out of the woods,but much to our surprise this Tuesday she was almost like a ball on fire.
She took us to different people that she hadn't seen in a while and wanted me to take pictures of them.
I did not have to be asked twice!
In the bottom pictures, you can see that I have put each of the darlings into an Ontario sunset.
I printed out several pictures for Shirley, Daisy and Bob and told them that they could give the extras to whoever they wanted to.
They were as happy as little children as they picked out different nurses and friends that they wanted to bestow their pictures upon.
They were careful to save some for their family members that would be visiting.
All in all Mom had a really good day because after we left the home, telling Aunt Marion that we would return on Thursday, I took that dear mother of mine to Wendy's for her favorite meal...A baked potato!!
Now I had told some of my blogging friends that I would be doing another cat blog but I have still not gathered them all up.
The ones I HAVE gathered are causing no end of havoc in this house but I will just have to grin and bear it until the rest of the guests have arrived.
Oh!! If only Susie's son, Vincent were here to settle them all down!
Apparently that child of Sioux Sue's, Turtle is waiting anxiously at the border for Adi to pick her up!
And Adi?
Well THAT little miss is waiting on Amber to finish watching her favorite program, "Deal Or No Deal"!!